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A Window into the Chareidi World

20 Adar, 5785 - March 20, 2025| Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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A Declaration by the Rabbonim About Drafting Yeshiva Students, Vayechi 5759

The Instructions of HaRav Dov Lando shlita to Bnei Yeshiva, Bolok 5784

The Anti-Chareidi Draft Law was Passed Because of a Promise It will Not include Arabs, Terumah 5782

Special Arrangements for Yeshiva Students' Army Registration, Yisro 5780

Mass, Centralized Army Registration in Bnei Brak, Mikeitz 5780

A Letter from the Geonim Shlita, Roshei Yeshiva of the Sephardic Yeshivos, Mattos 5778

The Draft Law: HaRav Ezrachi Says that We Will Continue to Expand Torah, Chukas 5778

The Draft Law Will Not Bother Anyone Who Wants to Learn, Korach 5778

Israeli Army Registration Will be Conducted in Municipal Facilities, Nosso 5778

The Draft Status of Bnei Yeshivos is the Highest Priority of UTJ, Behar 5778

What is the Truth about Drafting Women in Israel?, Tetzaveh 5778

On the Draft, the Sephardim and the Dropouts, Toldos 5778

Yeshiva Students will No Longer Need an Army Interview, Chayei Soroh 5778

The Futile and Absurd Path of the High Court's Dealings with Yeshiva Draft, Chayei Soroh 5778

Degel Meeting says High Court Not a Problem, Noach 5778

Rabbonim Meet about the Yeshiva Draft Laws and their Implementation, Shofetim 5777

The True Facts about Yeshiva Students in Eretz Yisroel, Behaalosecho 5777

Pre-Pesach News Roundup, Pesach 5776

Amendment to Draft Law Approved, Vayeitzei 5776

Bribing Yeshiva Students to Attend Lectures to Get Them to Enlist in the Army, Vayeishev 5775

Chizuk Gathering With Gedolei Yisroel and Members of Vaad Hayeshivos, Chayeisoro 5775

Yeshiva Students Will Not Participate in Mamach Centers, Tazria 5774

What and Where is the Burden? Isolated Settlements and Other Expenses, Zav 5774

Gatherings Around the World, Vayikra 5774

American Gedolim Issue Call for Atzeres Tefillah on Sunday, Vayikra 5774

The Atzeres in Jerusalem: Tremendous Kiddush Hashem, Vayikra 5774

Decisions of the Atzeres, Vayikra 5774

No Army Service! No Submission to Enticements! No Cooperation!, Pekudei 5774

Message of the Rosh Hayeshiva, Pekudei 5774

Decisions of the Broad Moetzes Gedolei veChachmei HaTorah, Pekudei 5774

Public Relations in Laymen Terms, Vayakhel 5774

Increase Toil in Learning and Prayers to Remove the Threat of Draft, Parshas Kisiso 5774

Urgent Meeting of Yemenite Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim, Parshas Beshalach 5774

Special Prayers on Erev Rosh Chodesh, Bo 5774

"We Will not Allow them to Draft Even One Yeshiva Student", Parshas Voera 5774

Sephardi Roshei Yeshiva Gather to Protest Yeshiva Draft, Parshas Voera 5774

Decisions of the Assembly, Shemos 5774

Meeting of One Hundred Roshei Yeshiva, Shemos 5774

Joint Announcement of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Degel HaTorah and of Agudath Israel, Shemos 5774

Forced Conscription of Yeshiva Students Including Imprisonment, Parshas Eikev 5773

"We Must Reinforce Ourselves in Torah With all our Might", Parshas Voeschanan 5773

World Jewry Shaken by the Bill to Imprison Torah Students, Parshas Devorim 5773

The Main Criminal and Economic Sanctions on Yeshiva Students, Parshas Devorim 5773

A Letter from the Gedolim, Parshas Korach 5773

State of Emergency Felt in All Yeshivos, Parshas Korach 5773

Diaspora Jewry Responds to the Threat to the Torah World, Parshas Korach 5773

The Defense Against Persecution of Torah and its Scholars, Parshas Shemini 5773

Strong Protests against the Anti-Religious Government by Chareidi MKs , Parshas Zav 5773

Message of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman to the Rally, Parshas Zav 5773

Tremendous Chizuk in Bein Hazmanim Torah Study and Avoiding Technological Pitfalls, Parshas Zav 5773

The Message of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman at the Chanukas Habayis of Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo in Modi'in Illit, Parshas Vayikra 5773

Sharp Sanctions Planned against Chareidim who Won't Serve, Parshas Vayikra 5773

"The Worst Government Ever is Being Set Up", Parshas Vayikra 5773

HaRav Shach Said that if they Draft Yeshiva Students we must Leave Because it will be Dangerous to Stay, Parshas Vayakhel 5773

"We Must Hold in Contempt the Slurs Against Torah Learners Lest these Cool Off Our Esteem for Torah Study" , Parshas Vayakhel 5773

If the Torah World is Attacked, There is Information We will Reveal, Parshas Vayakhel 5773

A Letter from Maran HaRav Shteinman Shlita , Parshas Ki Siso 5773

Using the Advice of the Ramchal, Parshas Ki Siso 5773

Acknowledging the Danger is the Hope for Salvation, Parshas Ki Siso 5773

A Letter from Maran HaRav Shteinman Shlita , Parshas Tetzaveh 5773

Statement of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America , Parshas Tetzaveh 5773

The Point of Drafting Yeshiva Students is to Make Torah Obsolete, Parshas Terumoh 5773

Decisions of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, Parshas Terumoh 5773

A Great and Bitter Outcry, Parshas Terumoh 5773

Representatives of UTJ Clarify: No Compromise on Yeshiva Student Status Parshas Mishpotim 5773

Israeli Elections 5773 - Observations and Lessons , Parshas Beshalach 5773

Degel HaTorah Election Campaign Launched by HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman , Parshas Shemos 5773

Changes in the Draft Exemption Procedure of Yeshiva Students , Parshas Vayechi 5773

Opinion and Comment: The Perils of Sherut Leumi , Parshas Vayigash 5773

Rabbonim Reject Government Attempts to Tempt Yeshiva Students to Join the Army , Parshas Mikeitz 5773

Humiliation of Yeshiva Students While Registering at Army Draft Office , Parshas Vayishlach 5773

Defense Minister Barak: "I've Decided to Implement the Draft for Yeshiva Students" , Parshas Noach 5773

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Emergency Meeting About the Draft Threat, Parshas Rei 5772

Barak: Military Draft Legislation in the Upcoming Winter Session, Parshas Eikev 5772

Sanzer Rebbe: "Three Day Round-the-Clock Torah Study Shifts in all our Botei Medrash, Kollelim and Yeshivos", Parshas Mattos 5772

Tens of Thousands of Cheder Children Gather for Prayer Rallies to Nullify the Decree of the Draft for Bnei Yeshiva , Parshas Mattos 5772

Kadima to Introduce Biometric Monitoring in Yeshivos and Kollelim, Parshas Mattos 5772

A Letter from Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Parshas Pinchas 5772

Rabbi Moshe Gafni in the Knesset: "The objective is to turn the chareidi public and the yeshiva students into secularists", Parshas Pinchas 5772

A Letter from Maran the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav A. Y. L. Shteinman shlita, Parshas Bolok 5772

A Statement by United Torah Jewry in Reaction to the Dissolution of the Plesner Committee, Parshas Bolok 5772

Thousands at a Prayer and Protest Rally, an Outcry Against the Decree of a Bnei Yeshiva Draft , Parshas Chukas 5772

"Bnei Torah Constitute the Right of Existence in the Holy Land", Parshas Chukas 5772

United Torah Jewry Will Not Send a Representative to the Knesset Committee Regarding the Draft Bill, Parshas Bechukosai 5772

Rabbi Moshe Gafni: Whoever Learns Torah Should Keep Learning! , Parshas Bechukosai 5772

A Letter from the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman about the Issue of Drafting Yeshiva Students, Parshas Behar 5772

"The Government Opposes Brutal Attacks Against the Chareidi Public", Parshas Behar 5772

"Increase Prayer, Spurn Complacency Regarding the Decree of the Drafting of Yeshiva Students", Parshas Behar 5772

"Anyone With Eyes in his Head Knows for Sure That One Mustn't Start Up with Torah Scholars Whose Life is Dedicated to Full- time Torah Study", Parshas Emor 5772

Amendment to Women's Draft Law Passes — Gafni Lambastes Likud, Parshas Vayakhel/Pekudei 5772

Chareidi World Braces for Battle Over Yeshiva Study, Parshas Tetzaveh 5772

The Remarks of HaRav Shteinman at the Emergency Meeting, Parshas Tetzaveh 5772

High Court Annuls Draft Deferment Law for Yeshivas Students, Parshas Terumah 5772

IDF Hires PR Firm to Persuade Chareidim to Enlist, Parshas Yisro 5772

Government to Approve 5- Year Renewal of Deferment Law, Parshas Voero 5772

UTJ Blocks Vote on Draft Deferment Law, Parshas Yisro 5771

Bill Would Tighten Restrictions on IDF Exemptions for Girls, Parshas Toldos 5771

MK Rabbi Gafni: 'Am Yisroel Cannot Exist Without Torah Study', Parshas Shofetim 5770

UTJ Considers Revised Version of Bill on Girls Exempted from IDF Service, Parshas Vayeishev 5770

UTJ Opposes Bill to Monitor Girls Who Avoid IDF Induction, Parshas Vayeitzei 5770

Kadima and Yisrael Beiteinu Try to Alter Military Exemption for Religious Girls, Parshas Lech Lecho 5770

Yisrael Beiteinu: "No National Service, No Citizenship", Parshas Beshalach 5769

Knesset Committee Discusses Extending Law Allowing Military Deferments for Yeshiva Students, Parshas Emor 5767

Government Approves Extension of Draft Deferment Law, Parshas Terumoh 5767

Politica: A Change in Attitude Toward Yeshiva Students and Army Service, Parshas Yisro 5767

Rabbi Gafni Proposes That All Students be Required to Learn Torah, Parshas Beshalach 5767

MK Rabbi Gafni Works to Extend Military Deferment for Yeshiva Students, Parshas Bo 5767

Chinuch Atzmai and Maayan Hachinuch Hatorani Included in Soldier- Teacher Program, Parshas Pinchos 5766

Politica: Exempting Women from Army Service, Parshas Pinchos 5766

High Court Upholds Law Allowing Deferments for Yeshiva Students, Parshas Behar/Bechukosai 5766

Protest Against Use of Sherut Leumi Volunteers at Chareidi Institutions, Parshas Noach 5766

Demand to Disqualify High Court Judge from Hearing Petitions Against Yeshiva Military Deferments, Parshas Bolok 5765

New Regulations for Military Deferments, Parshas Chukas 5765

Army Service is About Social Engineering; not About Pikuach Nefesh, Parshas Shelach 5765

Thirty Percent Not Inducted or Dismissed During Military Service, Parshas Chukas 5763

The Evolution of the Deferred Induction Law, Parshas Re'ei 5762

Observations: New Profile for the Israeli Draft Dodger, Parshas Vo'eschanan 5761

Observations: Nation Religious Youngsters Threaten not to Enlist because of Immodesty, Parshas Balak 5761

Observations: Yet Another Temporary Order Passed, Parshas Bamidbar 5761

Justice Barak Expresses Prior Opposition to Draft Deferral Law, Parshas Behar/Bechukosai 5761

Constitutionality of Draft Deferments to be Reviewed by Court, Parshas Behar/Bechukosai 5761

Israel High Court Declines to Issue Provisional Order Against Draft Deferrals, Parshas Emor 5761

Draft Arrangement Continued Until Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Parshas Vayigash 5761

Torah World Tried to Honor Court Rulings; Court Tries to Uproot Torah World, Parshas Vayigash 5761

Internal and External Battle, Parshas Vayigash 5761

Barak Equivocates: Tells IDF to Prepare Draft Plans and Appoints Committee to "Improve" Tal Law, Parshas Miketz 5761

Manof Demands Accurate Reporting of Draft Statistics, Parshas Vayeshev 5761

Rabbi Gafni Attacks Barak for Delays on Draft Law, Parshas Vayeshev 5761

Knesset Votes Against General Elections, Parshas Vayeshev 5761

Manof Demands Accurate Reporting of Draft Statistics, Parshas Vayeshev 5761

Temporary Draft Law Postponed at Last Minute, Parshas Vayishlach 5761

Current Draft Situation Extended for a Year, Parshas Chayei Soroh 5761

Bnei Torah - - Our Main Concern, Parshas Vaeschanan 5760

Special Committee To Prepare Draft Law Approved, Parshas Mattos- Massei 5760

Showing their True Colors?, Parshas Bolok 5760

Yeshiva Draft Bill Passes First Knesset Reading, Parshas Chukas 5760

UTJ Statement After Passage of the Draft Law, Parshas Chukas 5760

UTJ Representatives Will Demand That the Law Be Amended, Parshas Chukas 5760

The Secular Draft Dodgers, Parshas Behaaloscha 5760

Tal Committee Will Present its Conclusions to Barak Within Ten Days, Parshas Vayikra 5760

Tal Committee Chareidi Representatives Walk Out, Parshas Vayishlach 5760

Draft Committee Behind Schedule, the Same Aim, Parshas Vayeitzei 5760

Different Methods, the Same Aim, Parshas Noach 5760

Committee for the Prevention of the Draft of Yeshiva Students is Appointed, Parshas Nitzavim - Vayelech 5759

Negotiating and Signing the Agreement Between UTJ and Ehud Barak, Parshas Matos - Masei 5759

Immigrants 25 and Over are Not Drafted Due to Budgetary Considerations, Parshas Bolok 5759

Drafting Yeshiva Students, Parshas Chukas 5759

Yisrael Ba'Aliyah: "Conscription of Yeshiva Students Must be Decided by Means of Negotiation, Parshas Beha'alosecho 5759

When Soccer is More Important Than Torah, Parshas Terumah 5759

Uncle David Wants You, Parshas Voeira 5759

The Ultimate Objective in Drafting Yeshiva Students -- Uprooting the Torah, Parshas Vayechi 5759

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