More than a hundred Degel HaTorah representatives in various positions throughout Israel gathered for their annual gathering during Succos, this year in Beit Shemesh. It was held in the community center of Ramah A. Attending were HaRav Shlomo Zalman Perlstein, rav or Ramah A, HaRav Elimelech Kornfeld, rav of Kehillas HaGra, and HaRav Elozor Meirovitch, rav of Ramah C. Degel's three representatives on the Beit Shemesh city council, Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg, Rabbi Moshe Montag, and Rabbi Yisrael Silverstone, were also present.
Head Table of Rabbonim and leading politicians

Chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee Rabbi Moshe Gafni said, "We have a long standing tradition of organizing a yearly conference during Chol Hamoed Succos, attended by representatives from all over the country. Since we anticipate elections in about a year's time, I ask that we set aside all the problems and discords which sadly, are not lacking amongst us, and look only towards the future and focus on productivity, which is truly outstanding throughout the country. This must be our central motive and motif."
MK Rabbi Maklev praised the municipal representation which toils day and night for the Torah public. "This past year we visited quite a few peripheral towns and discovered some very good solutions to the housing shortage. There is an ample supply of second hand apartments at attractive prices with a communal infrastructure. I recently visited Kiryat Ata and other places and discovered an accessible, immediate and inexpensive solution.
"Last year we had a very active showing in the Knesset. We had to stand solidly against the many attempts and trials to undermining the status quo in numerous areas such as public transportation on Shabbos, and including railroad construction and maintenance. Kashrus and the rabbinical courts were also under attack. These are subjects which occupied our work table on a daily basis this past year but we experienced much heavenly assistance in these areas."
MK Rabbi Yaakov Asher said, "We are a party guided by the Torah leadership. Sometimes the gedolim advise us to thrust ahead full force and at times, to join forces with the `enemy'. But there is a group which well remembers the history of frontal attacks and this is not our [preferred] way!
Degel HaTorah gathering on Sukkos

"Our party is comprised of energetic representatives who care and are well informed regarding their position. Sometimes, it may appear from the outside that there are differences of opinion but it should be remembered that we are totally united and when we are attacked from the outside, we are committed to honor one another."
Attending were more than 100 Degel representatives from more than 45 communities.