Message of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman to the Rally
We are in a time of dire trouble and each and every one of us knows the terrible threat facing us. We have enjoyed several generations of growth and increase in Torah for us and our children. Yeshivos have proliferated and the youth is studying Torah. And now, suddenly, this horrible trouble is facing us, a frightening danger threatening to destroy Klal Yisroel and Torah, G-d forbid. We pray to Hashem that He enable us in His mercy to continue studying Torah for the rest of our lives and that Torah not budge from our mouths and from our children forevermore.
In addition, we must try to add on to our study, in which merit Hashem will help us, for the merit of Torah will surely stand us by. So long as there are people bemoaning the terrible chillul Hashem resulting from a decrease in Torah study amongst Jewry, when we truly are pained by it, nothing amiss will happen. Hashem will surely help us to merit only goodness and prevent the diminishing of Torah study at any time. May we be worthy to witness the true Geula, speedily and in our times.