heads by way of decrees and persecution of chareidi Jewry and the Torah world, attempting to breach the walls of our faith and our sanctity through the threat of army service — and when they seek to tamper with the pure education of our tender children whose very breaths sustain the entire world — And when our enemies from without declare: "Let us decimate them", and the troubles of the community and the individual are so many, including sickness and bitter suffering...
We have only the tactics of our ancestors; our power lies only in our mouths. Therefore, we call upon all the holy communities throughout Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora to assemble for a universal day of prayer in their various shuls, yeshivos, kollelim and schools.
To cry out and be aroused in teshuvoh and prayer through the Yom Kippur Kotton service, including Ovinu Malkeinu, recital of Tehillim - chapters 13, 83, 130 and 142. Women are urged to recite them in their places.
Surely the A-mighty will not despise the prayer of the many and will abolish all the harsh decrees suspended over us.
Aharon Leib Shteinman Chaim Kanievsky
Nissim Karelitz