In an interview with Yated Ne'eman, Rabbi Gafni explained the situation as of now, interpreting the methods of action which our gedolei Torah outlined, to all who may be concerned.
Rabbi Gafni opened the interview by stating the staunch, unequivocal stand of the chareidi representation in the Knesset on this issue which is the very core of the chareidi public in Israel and the world. "Chareidi Jewry finds itself these days in an actual struggle for the future of the Torah world. The status of chareidi Jewry is on the line and the issue of yeshiva students is at the forefront of this Knesset session and stands to be finalized in the coming weeks. We, the public representatives sent to the Knesset, are doing our utmost, as we have throughout the years, to protect Torah scholars and work towards continuing their status as it has stood since the very beginning of statehood.
"Our position, the stand of chareidi Jewry, is known to all and it finds expression in every Knesset session and Knesset committee. It is unequivocal, with no compromise or arguments — that without Torah scholars, the Jewish people has no right or mandate to exist. Every since we became a nation, Torah scholars have always preserved and protected the nation, the Jewish people, which has had streams of its blood shed throughout a painful history, but has survived only by right of its scholars, as is stated: `If not for My covenant by day and night, the laws of heaven and earth would not have been established.' We are fighting for the right of the Jewish people's survival, very literally so, for the moment that they strike at the lomdei Torah, they are endangering the entire Jewish nation: this is our conviction, our belief, and by this creed do we act."
A Clear-cut Pointed Message
MK Rabbi Gafni spoke about the significance of the meeting of the roshei yeshiva who assembled last week upon the directive of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman. He said that the said rally was vital for our public representatives. "The messages relayed there were clearly heard by the various top line politicians. They discussed it with me and thoroughly internalized the message which cried out therefrom. I spoke to them after the rally and they were very impressed, not only by the sheer number of participants but also from the succinct and clear-cut stand expressed unanimously that the Torah world would not knuckle under by as much as one millimeter.
"In the Knesset committee, we very cogently declare our refusal to accept any quota system and categorically oppose all sanctions on those who will not serve. In a committee discussion, I spoke very forcefully, that we think that if sanctions are imposed, they should be against those who refuse to serve the Jewish people by not studying Torah or by desecrating Shabbos, for they are the very ones threatening the people both spiritually and physically. They are the ones who should be penalized economically or legally, but not those who study Torah!
"The rumors heard from many directions, as if there were some from our circles who would agree to quotas or other compromises, are undermining the battle. Even the secular MKs say this, and they are led to think that there are varied positions within the chareidi sector, which is simply not true! We are all united on one incontrovertible and indisputable stand.
"There is no doubt that if we suffer and even one yeshiva student is actually taken, we will not hesitate, but at the rallying cry of our rabbonim, will surge forth en masse to the streets to scream our protest and fight for our lives. We will shake Heaven and earth with the present tactic, which if it doesn't help, it will at least harm Lapid from passing whatever laws he wishes. Our goal is to lower his profile in the surveys, for they are the leavening in the dough."