The following letter was printed in the Yated Ne'eman of Israel, on 27 Tammuz this week. It was signed by dozens of roshei yeshiva, and was issued as a public statement of support for the Knesset members of United Torah Judaism and especially of the Degel HaTorah faction, who have been under attack by various elements, including the so-called Jerusalem Faction. It also comes to assert that they have seen no problems among their talmidim who followed the general procedures and guidelines for getting an army deferral.
The Main Letter

End of Tammuz, 5758
We, the undersigned, have been privileged to receive Heavenly Assistance to build up and lead the majority members of the Torah world of Sephardic extraction.
We hereby strengthen the hands of the shluchei derabbonon, emissaries of Torah leadership, namely, the Knesset members of the chareidi parties standing at the forefront on the subject of an agreement for the army deferral of Torah students in an honorable manner, and they are not put off by those who denigrate them.
We convey our blessings that these representatives of Torah leadership and all those who invest effort to execute their mission in this matter in the best possible way experience full siyata deShmaya.
At this time, we warn each and every Torah student and kollel member to act responsibly, to comply to a summons from the army authorities in presenting a request for an army deferment and filling out all of the papers at the proper time so as to assure their status as a legitimate yeshiva student. In the event of any problem (or not receiving a draft call), one must request help and guidance from the respective appointee in each yeshiva who is responsible for the proper presentation of deferments.
We have been fortunate to see Divine assistance where each young student or married man who conscientiously obeys all instructions does not experience any problems or complications, and surely one who assumes the yoke of Torah upon himself shall experience the removal of government or economic straits.
We are privileged in having our Torah leadership gedolei Yisroel accompanying us at every step of the way to see that each individual be enabled to continue his Torah studies.
Twenty-seven roshei yeshiva signatories were printed. A note says that this is just a partial listing.
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Other Letters

The following separate letter was issued by its three signatories, and published together with the letter signed by dozens of roshei yeshiva.
We accept upon ourselves the guidelines of our Torah leadership, the eyes of the community, who bear the burden of the generation, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and HaRav Yerachmiel Gershon Eidelstein, who stand at the helm of vigilance over the Torah world regarding the issue of army service deferment for yeshiva students, and accord them our full support, nor must anyone have any misgivings whatsoever regarding their decisions.
Baruch Hashem, we have been fortunate in seeing Divine assistance where every bochur who dutifully adheres to instructions experiences no problems or complications, and Torah leaders accompany us at every step of the way to assure that every individual can continue to pursue his Torah studies.
Eliyahu Sofer
Eliyah' Abba Shaul
Emanuel Toledano
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In addition, three separate letters were issued and published together by HaRav Betzalel Pinchasi, HaRav Efraim Cohen and HaRav Menachem Tewfik Aviezri.
HaRav Pinchasi wrote: "He who knows the depths of the issues, knows that it is a decree upon all and not a decree upon one eidah. If anyone thinks otherwise, what he should do about it is to bring his information to the gedolei and manhigei hador, and they, and only they, will say what to do. Whoever acts otherwise works for the destruction of the Torah world, choliloh."