Rabbi Litzman inspecting the arrangements

Thousands of yeshiva students in Yerushalayim were able to register for the Army, in a special procedure for talmidei yeshivos that was set up through the efforts of the Vaad Hayeshivos under he guidance of gedolei Yisroel.
Preceding this special arrangement was a great effort on the part of the Vaad Hayeshivos. Similar arrangements were made in other places. The procedure was done very quickly, as various questionnaires were sent out in advance by the Vaad Hayeshivos to the institutions to be filled out by the talmidim in advance. The whole process took place outside of Army offices in a hall that was set up specially.
The minister of health Rabbi Yaakov Litzman came to the site to inspect the arrangements and he was given a full explanation. At the end he was full of praise for the Vaad who are the faithful agents of the gedolei Yisroel.