The Point of Drafting Yeshiva Students is to Make Torah Obsolete
by Yechiel Sever
"We are facing a decisive period regarding the survival of the Torah world and the Israeli nation as a whole," said HaRav David Cohen, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron and member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, in a message of chizuk delivered to his talmidim. "Most distressingly, irresponsible, mean people have succeeded in inciting the public against the Torah world through false demagoguery in a base demand for `sharing the burden' [regarding military service]. `At the site of justice, there lies wickedness.' They abolished the status quo which was established at the foundation of the State of absolving clerical students from the draft, thus raising an ax against the illustrious Torah world which Providentially sprang up here in Eretz Yisroel from the ashes of the Holocaust. This generation constitutes Bnei Torah who toil in Torah as their life's pursuit and ascend constantly higher in their knowledge and piety and who verily support the State of Israel, protecting it from the seventy wolves surrounding it from all sides, bent upon uprooting us from the world."
He discussed the concept of sharing the burden which aims at driving the yeshiva student out of his Torah environment and said, "It is simple and clear to every thinking person that the issue is not really sharing the burden at all. The fact noted by many professionals is that the army is not geared to absorb bnei yeshiva, who would only complicate things and cause trouble and problems. The true zone of conflict in this issue is not only a question of survival for the Torah world but the survival of the nation. Chazal in Midrash Tehillim tell that Adriyanus asked: Upon what merit does this nation stand? He was told that it has righteous men who toil in Torah, whereupon he issued a decree forbidding Torah study. Subsequently, the people stopped studying, evoking the verse said by Dovid Hamelech, "Save us, Hashem, for we are bereft of the righteous.'
"These wicked people seek to sever the very branch upon which they are perched. Klal Yisroel finds itself in mortal danger here. We are surrounded by millions of bloodthirsty savages who seek to exterminate us. Our only chance of survival stands upon those Torah students who toil in Torah."