Succos is unique among yomim tovim in the degree of
simchah that Hashem expects us to achieve. The Rambam
at the end of Hilchos Lulav writes about the
Simchas Beis Hashoevoh: "Although it is a mitzva to
rejoice on all the moadim, on chag haSuccos in
the Beis Hamikdosh there was an additional
simchah, as it says `You shall rejoice before Hashem,
your G-d for seven days.' "
More Opinion & Comment . . .
Observations: A Man Who Champions Assimilation is Chosen to Set
Immigration Policy in Israel
by M. Levy
Former Meretz Chairman Prof. Amnon Rubinstein will head the
Advisory Committee for the assessment of the State of
Israel's policy on immigration. The committee was appointed
by Interior Minister Ophir Pines to propose an immigration
policy and to assess the relevant legislation, including the
Law of Return, the Citizenship Law and the Entry to Israel
More Observations . . .
A Real Balabusta
A true story
by Miri Greengold
Dina checked the oven timer, peeked under the lid of the
simmering soup, untied her apron and dashed out to the living
room. Avrumi was waiting patiently, right where she'd left
him, strapped into his stroller and ready for the quick trip
to the neighborhood grocery store.
Considering a Divorced Person or Widower
By Rebbetzin Nomi Travis
"The worst you can do for an older single is to treat her
like a nebech, claiming to be the all powerful that
has just the right solution or segula to her
Fay Prepares for a Visit to Brazil (New York, May
by Gita Gordon
Editor's Note: With this issue we are beginning a new
serial story by the author of South African Journeys.
It is a story of returning to roots, an estranged family
coming back to its Jewish sources. We are sure that you will
not want to miss any installments.
More Home & Family . . .
Giving the World an Idea of What a Genuine Mussar Scholar
Is . . .(from the Introduction to Ho'odom Biyekor)
Glimpses of the Mashgiach, HaRav Shlomo Wolbe, zt'l
by Rabbi H. Helman
Seeing Hashem in His Creation
by Mordecai Plaut
Dayan Dr. Yishai I. Grunfeld, zt"l
by Mrs. Anne Ruth Grunfeld Cohn
Kelm And Mir — A Single Approach to Torah Excellence
and Mussar Training, As Demonstrated by a Loyal And Devoted
Talmid, the Gaon and Tzaddik HaRav Shmuel Halevi Shechter
by Rabbi Dov Eliach
Spectacular Ancient Jewish Findings in Ir Dovid —
the Lower Hill of Jerusalem
by M. Samsonowitz
In the Proximity of Maran R' Yitzchok Zeev of Brisk,
Memoirs of Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
Additional Luach Information
Yom Tov Succos falls on Tuesday, 15 Tishrei (Oct. 17)
in Eretz Yisroel, and in Chutz Le'Aretz on both
Tuesday and Wednesday, 15 and 16 Tishrei (Oct. 17-18). We are
obligated to eat lechatchilah more than a
beitzah of bread on that night while sitting in a
succah with kavonoh to fulfill this
mitzvah. In addition, we must have kavonoh that
we are doing so in memory of yetzias Mitzrayim and the
anonei kovod that protected us in the midbar
from the sun and the rain.
Hoshana Rabba falls on Monday, 21 Tishrei (Oct. 24).
At Shacharis we add the pesukei dezimrah of Shabbos
except for nishmas, all of the hoshana prayers,
and afterwards we beat the hoshanos on the floor.
In Eretz Yisroel, Shmini Atzeres and Simchas
Torah fall on Tuesday, 22 Tishrei (Oct. 25). In Chutz
Le'Aretz, Shmini Atzeres falls on Tuesday, and
Simchas Torah falls on Wednesday, 23 Tishrei (Oct. 25-
Yizkor is said on Shmini Atzeres.
In Shemoneh Esrei we add Morid HaGeshem from
Mussaf of Simchas Torah.
The achronim write that even after Succos we
should not step on the sechach since it is
tashmishei mitzvah like tzitzis and a
lulav (Mishnah Berurah 638:24).
On the Shabbos that we read about the ma'aseh
bereishis we start saying Borchi Nafshi
(Tehillim 104) every Shabbos until Shabbos HaGodol.
Before Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, we do not say Yom
Kippur Koton because it is then the month of Tishrei.
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan falls on Wednesday, Nov. 2 and
Thursday Oct. 3.
On Shabbos parshas Noach, we say a Mi Sheberach
for those fasting Behab.
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