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It is now thirty years since the petiroh of Dayan Dr.
I. I. Grunfeld zt"l who left this world during the
night between Rosh Hashonoh and Tzom Gedaliah 5736 which was
to be the day that the bris of his second grandson
took place — a grandson who was unexpectedly given his
grandfather's name a few hours after the petiroh.
Dayan Grunfeld had suffered from an ailing heart for the last
21 years of his life, and he utilized his years of early
retirement from the London Beth Din to give the world of
Torah readership several important literary works. Dayan
Grunfeld, with his unparalleled mastery of written English
(most unusual for a German professional who had fled from
Nazi Germany in 1933), introduced the educated, thinking
English-speaking public to the vast intellectual and totally
loyal Torah view of Judaism as it should ideally be lived and
its underlying rationale and philosophy.
One of his most popular works was a masterly English
exposition of the Sabbath which was a pioneering venture, at
least among the United Kingdom readership at the time: The
Shabbos (fifth edition recently published by Feldheim in
2004). Dayan Grunfeld actually penned this little jewel of a
book while still at the Beth Din, encouraged and aided by
Rabbi Aryeh Carmel now of Devar Yerushalayim but then living
in England and teaching limudei kodesh at the
Schonfeld Avigdor Secondary School's Sixth Form.
This masterly exposition of the halachic and ta'amei
hamitzvos aspects of the Shabbos was inspired by Dayan
Grunfeld's deep involvement with the Shabbos Observance
Bureau, which was set up by the United Synagogue in the late
forties and early fifties to enable employers and employees
who respected the observance of Shabbos to find each
We have all but forgotten how many a frum Jew became
an unwilling mechalel Shabbos because each Friday in
the winter, having asked for permission to leave early, he or
she immediately found him/herself unemployed and had to look
for another job next Monday at what was then called the Labor
Exchange. These early refugees from the Continent often had
to choose between feeding their families and shemiras
Shabbos. We do not appreciate sufficiently nowadays how
difficult it was for the newly-arrived immigrants from Torah
communities, both here in England and in America. Many made
enormous financial sacrifices in order to be able to be
shomrei Shabbos and, Rachmono litzlan, many
fell by the wayside losing totally their former allegiance to
shemiras hamitzvos.
Dayan Grunfeld, born in the Bavarian little village of
Tauberettesheim in 1900, was the eldest son born to Josef and
Carolina Grunfeld. Mr. Moshe Grunfeld z"l, then known
affectionately by his nickname of Morle, was the baby of the
family. The eldest son was obviously studious and
academically gifted.
Although villages in Germany were distant from the
powerhouses of East European Torah learning, Hashgochoh
Protis brought a famous Torah personality and mashpia
to live in another of the little Bavarian villages that
together formed the Landsgemeineden, namely
Weikersheim. This village was but a few miles away and living
there was none other than Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Rakow zt"l,
the father of the late, much lamented Gateshead Rov
The shechitah for all that area was supervised by this
great Torah scholar. The young Grunfeld felt it an enormous
privilege to be allowed private lessons daily from the young
musmach and so for many years he cycled to his
shiurim after his secular schooling. Thus a whole new
world with the most precious legacy of Eastern Europe was
imbibed by young Grunfeld and his mental and emotional
character formation and sense of spiritual priorities were as
a result quite different from those of most of those who
lived in the narrow confines of Torah-starved simple Bavarian
Here at a young age his first bonds with lamdonus and
the genius and intensity — not to speak of the
mussar and derech of Yeshiva learning —
were strongly forged in the young lad's heart and mind.
Rabbi Rakow's impact was so strong that it was a major
influence on the young lad's mind, illuminating it with the
sparkling knowledge that the Torah learned so assiduously in
faraway Lithuania linked historically to the Shalsheles
Hamesorah going right back to Matan Torah.
Having been inspired by this knowledge young Grunfeld was to
transcend completely the narrow confines of a small, pious
but acknowledgeably limited perspective of a small hamlet in
Bavaria. Grunfeld's fine intellectual potential was further
honed by his stay in a Jewish boarding school in Hochberg,
whence he graduated to the local secular high school in
Wurzburg, there being no centers of Torah schooling
reasonably close to his parental home with its six young but
fast growing siblings.
He spent about a decade of study in various universities,
learning at yeshivas and privately in parallel. In order to
be able to support his family in the future, and being
possessed of a fine analytical mind, he trained to be a
solicitor — but he also learned in every spare moment.
He studied in several universities. However he remained
determined to carry with him wherever he went the Torah
ethics, the strong hashkofos and a refusal to
compromise in dinim wherever his new surroundings
He began study at the University of Wurzburg in 1922. When he
lost his father at the age of 24, he took it upon himself to
head the bereaved family and he assumed the mantle of
fatherly guidance and religious decisions concerning all his
younger brothers and sisters. He spent as much time as he
could in his native village, cycling home at regular
intervals to supervise the education of his siblings and give
moral and financial support to his widowed mother, since
Wurzburg was not far from his mother's home.
In 1925 he transferred to the University of Frankfurt. This
is about 100 kilometers to the northwest, leaving his
mother's home somewhat more distant, but still within an easy
train ride. Dr. Grunfeld attended the Schneider's Yeshiva in
Frankfurt all through his student days, totally fascinated by
the derech halimmud and the trenchant personality of
HaRav Moshe Schneider zt"l, who was a giant in
learning and a wonderful example by his rare combination of
middos. His influence on Dr. Grunfeld was deep and
For reasons that remain obscure, the young Grunfeld spent
about a year at the University of Marburg around 1927.
He also spent a period at the University of Hamburg. This was
located some 500 kilometers to the north, and was not within
an easy commute of his home village. Feeling responsible to
contribute to the upkeep of his widowed mother and younger
siblings, Dr. Grunfeld taught at a large talmud Torah
in Hamburg where he also supplemented this meager income
by being a Haus-Rebbe in well-to-do Orthodox Jewish
families. Rabbi E. Dessler zt"l also supported himself
through similar private teaching in limudei kodesh.
Around 1931 he transferred to the University of Heidelberg,
again in the general area of his home. While there he had a
debate with a representative of Nazi Hitler youth who tried
to prove that the Talmud was against gentiles. The
discussion took place in front of a rather large crowd.
Apparently, Father beat this chap's arguments to pulp and to
complete the job, he pointed out the Nazi was holding the
Talmud upside down! That night, my Father received a rather
serious "beating up" by a number of thugs in the dark. He was
dragged to an alley and given a thorough "work-over." Thus
the Nazis were perfecting their brutal methods even before
they took power.
Dayan Grunfeld continued his Torah studies with great zeal
and acumen, setting aside an immutable time for gemora
study with Rabbi Rakow and with other Torah scholars in
Germany. He also attended Rav Schneider's yeshiva at every
Dr. Grunfeld graduated in Law and Legal philosophy to obtain
his Doctorate with a thesis comparing Roman and,
lehavdil, Talmudic Law. He worked for the German civil
service in Wurzburg as a Registrar — a position at the
Law Department — where he worked with decent gentiles
who respected his religious views and practices in every way.
He combined this with a strict daily regimen of Torah
learning. Although he felt unable to leave his widowed mother
alone to go to the famous yeshivas in Eastern Europe, he
clearly identified with and informed himself about the great
Torah giants and roshei yeshivos in the cities of the
My Father married Fraulein Dr. Judith Rosenbaum, one of the
first students of Soroh Schenirer and by then well-known for
her efforts in organizing and teaching in Bais Yaakov
schools, in November 1932. My Mother's parents came from
Budapest originally, but moved to Frankfurt when my Mother
was a very little child. He was awarded semichoh from
Rabbi Rakow about the same time.
The young couple lived for a time in Strasbourg, but when
Hitler ym"sh came to power, it became obvious that a
lawyer had no future in Germany. This was a perception that
was widely shared among young Jewish lawyers in Germany, and
many tried to leave at that time.
The Grunfelds moved to Palestine late in 1933. Ernest
Nebenzahl z"l, who later became the State Comptroller
of Israel, and Judge Chaim Cohn, who was religious at the
time but later became famous for his anti-religious efforts
while serving as Attorney General and on the High Court, went
together with my Father to Palestine.
Dr. Grunfeld was not able to find a satisfactory position for
himself and in 1934, after having spent six months in
Palestine as an articled clerk working for the legal firm of
Eliash who was the first Palestinian Ambassador to the Court
of St. James, the Grunfelds moved to London.
In England, Dr. Grunfeld struggled to find a satisfactory
position. Dr. Grunfeld asked how he could become a barrister
and was told that mastery of the English language was a
"must." While he was studying English, he took advantage of
the fact that his wife knew Chief Rabbi J. H. Hertz from his
patronage of her fundraising visits on behalf of Bais Yaakov
in the late twenties and early thirties, to try to secure a
position in the rabbinate. This did not go altogether
Once my Father was asked to give a trial sermon at a large
United Synagogue somewhere in Bayswater. There was a
beautiful choir. He asked the Warden what the arrangements
are when the young boys' voices break. "Boys?" was the reply.
"These are not boys but girls singing."
"So you have a mixed choir then!"
"Yes, indeed," came the reply.
"Do you also play the organ in shul at weddings?" asked my
Father, being very sensitive to the widespread use of the
organ in the Reform establishments throughout Germany. When
the answer came in the affirmative — namely mixed
choirs and the playing of the organ on a weekday — my
Father balked and flatly refused to preach, although his
sermon had been given much prior publicity.
This was duly reported to Chief Rabbi Hertz who appeared to
be impressed by my Father's principled stance, especially at
a time when he was without any income.
To try to help the young couple, the Chief Rabbi generously
allocated the ministry of Finsbury Park Synagogue as a part-
time living for the Grunfelds. In the meantime there was the
constant struggle to improve his mastery of the King's
English as it was spoken, minus the heavy German accent.
Rabbi Dr. Hertz sent Dr. Grunfeld to study in Cambridge under
a famous professor of phonetics and many were the hours that
the young Dr. Grunfeld spent practicing the elimination of
his Germanic pronunciation with the use of a hand mirror.
Incidentally, the Finsbury Park area has lately become more
famous for a mosque which has hosted several famous Moslem
terrorists. The Synagogue, a mere fraction of its former
size, still exists and has a rabbi and a chazan.
One fine day Dr. Grunfeld refused to officiate at a wedding
because it was summer and the ladies of the party were not
modestly clad. "I do not care how the ladies achieve the
required modesty but if all else fails let them cover
themselves with the tablecloths where the reception is to
take place," repeated this obstinate young rabbi — a
foreigner dictating to the Wardens of the United Synagogue
how their womenfolk be dressed. They promised to report this
impudence of the German rabbinical refugee to the Chief
Rabbi, but in the end the ladies had to conform to the
halachic demands of Rabbi Grunfeld, as he was not prepared to
perform chuppah and kiddushin otherwise.
The very next day indeed, the Chief Rabbi summoned Dayan
Grunfeld to a meeting. "Grunfeld," he thundered, "I hear that
after having graced you with a means of income in your
unfortunate refugee position, a refugee from an enemy alien
country, you have had the temerity of actually telling the
Wardens of the Synagogue that you refuse to officiate and
give Chuppah and Kiddushin!"
"Yes, Chief Rabbi," came the answer. "I could not perform the
ceremony with its mention of the Divine name whilst the
ladies' dress was so out of line with the halochoh."
"Do you dare to try and overrule us here in England with your
foreign German customs?" further barked Dr. J. Hertz, who was
a formidable personality and could be rather stern and
intimidating. "Do you realize that you have put your whole
source of income at risk? I cannot allow people like you to
dictate to us on matters of dress code."
"I realize this, Chief Rabbi, but the halochoh is an
overriding consideration at all times and in all places."
"Do not try and lecture me, young man, on the rule of the
halochoh! However let us say that you were ill-advised and
out of your depth here with our English customs. For the sake
of your lovely wife, if I can talk the Wardens round into
overlooking this lapse, can you assure me that you will not
create a fuss the next time the Synagogue's ladies are not,
to your German way of thinking, sufficiently well- covered
and that you will not repeat such an ill-advised blunder?"
"No sir," came the firm reply. " I would act in exactly the
same manner. I have no right to trifle with the age old
rulings of our Sages of the halochoh!"
"You will not be offered such a position again and you have
now jeopardized all future employment within the United
Synagogue by your foolish obstinacy," said the Chief
"So be it. But I dare not trifle with our holy halochoh and
if it costs me my job, then so be it. I regret having
disappointed you but principles are principles and must be
loyally adhered to under all difficulties," said the young
rabbi, realizing that he had most certainly lost his so-much-
needed position. The Chief Rabbi asked him to leave his
office and wait outside. Dr. Grunfeld was inwardly very
downcast but he did not show it.
A New Career
Then, something quite unexpected happened. Chief Rabbi Hertz,
having summoned Dayan Yechezkel Abramsky zt"l, now
thundered, "You are in luck Grunfeld! You are just the man of
principle we need here on our London Beth Din. One who will
feel strongly enough to stand up to these powerful lay
leaders of the United Synagogue who would wish us to
compromise our holy and time-honored tradition. You now speak
a good enough English and you will assist our senior Dean and
Sage Dayan Abramsky and become his mouthpiece and his public
relations man in all the problems we face in the Anglo-Jewish
Community, where no one can explain in comprehensible English
why chalitzah needs to be performed in certain cases,
or why Dayan Abramsky is so intransigent about certain
matters of kashrus and why certain of our Torah and
halachic principles can never be compromised for reasons of
This is how the lawyer from Germany now began to devote his
life to the interests and causes of Anglo-Jewry, to the Beth
Din at Adler House.
The young educated Grunfeld disappointed and nonplussed his
erstwhile champions with his staunch interpretation of
traditional Judaism and his fiercely eloquent and fearless
fighting for the vindication of halachic issues. The Chief
Rabbi had been insightful and wise in his assessment of Dayan
Grunfeld's masterly psychological skills and social adeptness
in handling people from all walks of life. He made even
initially antagonistic people realize and appreciate the
deeper and eternal values of the din as conveyed by
the Torah.
With his masterly command of language and his natural
sensitivities to people's natures and specific standpoints,
Dayan Grunfeld was able to cement the foundation of our
national religious heritage and even those who openly
described halachic Judaism as obsolete, antiquated and
arcane, came away with reverence for the majesty and power of
the halochoh as the bedrock of our continued Jewishly
meaningful existence. He knew how to calm the sometimes
stormy scenes that occurred in issues relating to mixed
marriages, divorces, the ceremony of chalitzah,
conversion to Judaism and usually won the day for the
traditional survival of the Chief Rabbi's Court. All his
opponents respected and admired him even when they would not
accept the ruling of the Beth Din.
Dayan Dr. I. Grunfeld was a very close friend to that
unforgettable hero, Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schonfeld zt"l.
These two men discussed everything together and were on first
name terms, each giving the other chizuk and treasured
advice. They were as close as brothers, if not closer. Mrs.
Grunfeld taught at the new Jewish secondary School originally
founded by Rabbi Avigdor Schonfeld and continued by his son,
Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schonfeld upon his father's untimely
Spokesman for Torah
As a member of the Beis Din, Dayan Grunfeld in his now
impeccable, melodious and literary command of the English
language, was able to communicate effectively in a wise,
patient and fatherly way with all types who either sought his
counsel or asked for his deeply humanistic and deeply Torah-
committed viewpoint. He had the unique advantage of being
able to combine a deep and impassioned identification with
all strands of Orthodox Jewry — from his German
Yekkishe world to the widest spectrum of heimishe, Chassidic,
Yeshivishe, Litvish, and even Hungarian and similar
communities. These were often refugees from the former Pale
where vibrant, fiercely loyal and devoted talmidei
chachomim and ba'alei batim had hailed from.
Dayan Grunfeld had a special gift in communicating with
young, educated and inquiring minds and, possessed of a fine
psychological and humane understanding of all types and kinds
of people, he was most successful in explaining and
popularizing the deeper meaning and eternal wisdom and values
of the halochoh. He was exceptionally adept at gently,
patiently and sympathetically explaining the wider
implications of living Orthodox Judaism. Even those who tried
to resist his reasonable presentations with intransigent,
preconceived ideas of Judaism being outdated, antiquated and
hopelessly out of synch with modern lifestyles and thought
processes were impressed, if not won over, by his
Dayan Grunfeld succeeded in his numerous public lectures,
students' seminars, and personal dialogues in presenting to
hitherto antagonistic minds the majesty, immutability and
eternal validity of the Jewish Laws. He was one of the
pioneers in diffusing stormy scenes relating to mixed
marriages, conversions, agunos, difficult gittin,
and revoking of kashrus licenses from butchers and
caterers who secretly tried to cheat by receiving deliveries
of non-kosher supplies surreptitiously at night.
He remained staunchly firm to the principles of the
Shulchan Oruch, at a time when Dayanim were paid
ludicrously low salaries and the rich merchant was not above
trying to "buy" his way out of exclusion. In the end, Dayan
Grunfeld was often successful in convincing his erstwhile
bitter opponents to accept, revere and comply with the
dictates of Jewish Law and recognize their unique
contribution to the eternity of the Jewish people.
The Difficult War Years
During the war, the Dayan carried on with his vital work at
the Beth Din in Adler House, Euston and commuted weekly on
the "London Train" that came each Sunday morning from
Letchworth Hertfordshire. London was fully under siege and
the nightly bombings and the destruction they wreaked were
awesome to behold. Still, the Dayan stayed in lodgings until
Thursday evening when he returned to his little family refuge
deep in the countryside.
On one fateful day, when sirens went off during an important
hearing at the Beth Din, the Dayan was so immersed in looking
up what the gemora had to say that he rose from his
seat to remove another sefer of reference. At that
very second an enormous piece of flying metal shrapnel hit
the open page of the large volume on the desk. Had the Dayan
been sitting there at that moment, it would have been fatal.
As it was, he escaped with being heavily wounded in the leg
and was transported after expert first aid treatment all the
way to Campton, his little village, by an ambulance.
In 1952 when King George VIth died, the Dayan, mainly because
of his loyal monarchical sentiments and eloquent English
diction, was asked to give the Royal Eulogy at Westminster
Abbey. As he was a cohen, he could not enter the Abbey
where many famed personalities are buried. He was granted
permission to deliver his masterpiece in memory of the
deceased father of the present Queen Elizabeth in the Palace
of Westminster instead. His description of the nobility of
the late monarch as compared with the ideal of the duties and
responsibilities of Kingship as envisaged in the Torah
remains a most unique piece of historical oratory to this
The Postwar Years
During the very difficult postwar years, problems were being
presented that seemed virtually insoluble. There was a case
of a man who was totally certain that he had seen his cousin
enter a death-chamber and upon this reliable testimony, the
wife was permitted to remarry. Some time later, she fainted
in Oxford Street because she had seen her husband on the
other side of the street. The Beth Din was forced to ordain
that she was now forbidden to both "husbands"! Tragedies of
this order were not uncommon.
The functions of the Beth Din now increased exponentially in
bulk and complexity not to speak of emotional heartbreak. It
was the only religious court able to fulfill judicial
advisory and cultural functions. It carried an enormous load
in trying to solve problems in the very troubled immediate
post World War II years, quandaries that affected individuals
as well as the community.
If that were not enough, there were serious proposals
concerning Calendar Reform in England suggesting that the day
of rest, Saturday, would officially only occur every ten days
in order to provide a longer working week. Naturally these
proposals seriously affected the status of our precious
Shabbos and thus the Dayan worked hard and late sitting on
various international committees discussing the pros and cons
of the proposed Calendar Reform.
In Israel in 1952 with the introduction of "The Law of
Return," there developed a major and dangerous political
debate about the right of people wishing to settle in Israel
as Jews. There were forceful arguments among powerful
political personalities saying that all who wished to make
the new state their home could rightfully thereby lay claim
to the full status of being a Jew.
This seriously threatened the integrity and survival of the
real Holy Nation and Dayan Grunfeld, fearlessly and
definitely, set out very clearly the voice of the Halochoh in
this contentious and highly dangerous move in his pamphlet
"Who Is a Jew?" with a Foreword by the Chief Rabbi, Dr.
Israel Brodie published by Ha-Ittim in 1958.
Dayan Grunfeld's time at the Beth Din and after his
retirement in 1954 (as a result of a series of serious heart
attacks — this was before the medical advances of heart
by- pass operations) was very varied and productive within
the wider Jewish community.
He was one of the founding influences on the Jewish Marriage
Education Council; he was a Member and Executive and on the
Education Committee of the London Board of Jewish Religious
Education and a member of the Executive Committee of the
Schools' Kosher Meals Service. He was the Vice Chairman of
the Committee of the Status of Jewish War Orphans in Europe.
He was a key member of the Central British Council for Jewish
Relief and Rehabilitation, as well as in the Committee for
the Allocation of the Jewish Trust Fund for victims of
Nazism. Perhaps most relevant of all for today's Jewish
scene, he was a leading figure in the National Council for
Shechitah Board.
Dayan Grunfeld was greatly familiar and at home with all
local communities. He was joyfully welcomed in local
Yeshivish circles and independent minyanim of varying
shades of Continental, Chassidic Austrian, Hungarian. His
wise counsel and intermediary skills were widely sought and
his combined Torah erudition and secular expertise were
universally respected.
The Dayan spent his years of his so-called retirement from
the Beth Din giving many lectures to both Jewish and non-
Jewish groups and organizations. He was also active in many
non-Jewish organizations. He was a trustee of international
Amnesty Movement for Victims of Religious Persecution and
Prisoners of Conscience, the British Red Cross, an advisory
member and Honorary Lecturer of the National Association of
Boys' Clubs. He was member of the advisory panel of the
Wyndham Place Trust a Parliamentary body devoted to Religion
and the Rule Of Law in International affairs, whose meetings
at the Royal Palace of Westminster, he would attend
faithfully with carefully kept beard and well brushed kapote
in order to keep the public image of the Orthodox Rabbi in
excellent shape.
Thus the Dayan's life of retirement was filled to the brim
and he was extremely active. His most enjoyable hours were
those spent in his study, learning, reading and writing. He
maintained for very many years a regular nightly learning
chavrusa with his colleague, Dayan Rapoport
zt"l, and many were the Torah scholars and talmidei
chachomim from all over the world with whom he kept up a
regular connection. The Ponevezher Rov and many other Torah
giants and community personalities like Rabbi Dr. Leo Jung,
Rabbi Shimon Schwab, and Rabbi Joseph Breuer were frequent
visitors to the Dayan's Study.
He was invited on one occasion together with Dayan Abramsky
to attend Her Majesty the Queen's annual Garden Party at
Buckingham Palace. The then-wife of the Archbishop of
Canterbury took great offense at Dayan Abramsky's natural
refusal to shake her proffered long-gloved hand. Dayan
Grunfeld in his charming, genial manner was able to defuse
the situation with gentle grace.
He continued to discuss points of halochoh with his close
friend ylct"a Rabbi E. Schlesinger the founder of the
Yeshivoh Horomoh. The Dayan had been most instrumental in
helping to put this Yeshiva on its feet. There was a deep
friendship between the Dayan and Rabbi Schlesinger who took
it upon himself to produce a beautifully executed slim volume
dedicated to the memory of his good friend the Dayan. Some of
the details recalled in this tribute owe their origin to this
volume, which appeared on Erev Rosh Hashonoh 1980. The debt
is hereby gratefully acknowledged.
He had also developed very close ties with the Mashgiach of
the Yeshiva in Be'er Yaakov, Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe zt"l,
as well as with the heads of the main yeshivos in Israel,
like Yeshivas Mir, Kol Torah, and of course Ponovezh. His
wife's first cousin, Rabbi Benzion Bamberger zt"l was
mashgiach in Ponovezh.
Many of the Dayan's publications are written in an academic
style. They include The Three Generations, published
in 1958, a masterly historical appreciation of the giants of
Torah Jewry. This volume has been out of print for many years
now but is being expertly prepared for re-publication. Also,
Judaism Eternal — selected essays from the
writings of Shamshon Raphael Hirsch with an Introduction and
brief Biography, and The Horeb, a philosophy of Jewish
Laws and Observance, prefaced by a masterly Introduction by
the Dayan. This was published in 1962 by Soncino Press.
The Jewish Dietary Laws — a Guide to their
Understanding and Observance was published in 1973 by
Soncino Press.
The Dayan's last work, intended to be an introduction to a
book devoted to communal, social and family issues, marriage
and its special laws, including the subject of the Jewish
woman's special role as an eishes chayil, was sadly
foreshortened by his passing. He only just completed The
Jewish Laws of Inheritance in the summer months of 1975,
which unfortunately proved to be his last days. This last
book was published some eight years later by Targum Press.
His Last Days
The Dayan's last days on earth, Rosh Hashonoh, were spent in
Finsbury Park Synagogue, davening, duchening, calling
out the tones of the Shofar and preaching twice. It was as if
his full and multifarious life had come round a full circle.
That Rosh Hashonoh symbolized as it were, his life's noblest
This Tzom Gedaliah marked his thirtieth yahrtzeit. It
was for the Dayan and his particular fierce sensitivity to
the whole atmosphere of the Yomim Noraim, a typically
suitable time to return Home. He lies next to his unique
wife, Dr. Judith Grunfeld o"h in the Chelkas
Harabbonim at Har Hamenuchos. He leaves behind a wonderful
legacy, exceptional children and many wonderful descendants
in London and Yerushalayim. There are quite a number of
Yishais who bear his name proudly and indeed all of his
descendants give him reason for immeasurable nachas
and pride.
Yehi Zichro Boruch. May his memory be a blessing for
us all forever!
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