Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Tishrei 5766 - October 15, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Al Qaeda's Plan to Take Over the World

By A. Ben Aharon

For the first time, al Qaeda's grand plan to take over the world and turn it into one big Muslim country has been exposed by a Jordanian journalist named Fouad Hussein who recently published a book on al Qaeda and its machinations. The book is based on a series of interviews with ranking members of the organization. Fouad managed to maintain contact with many of al Qaeda's prominent figures, even Iraqi rebel leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi.

For now the book is only available in Arabic. But here we can relate enough information to demonstrate how the organization set up by Osama bin Laden united Islamic extremists who will not rest until they have imposed Islam on the whole world.

Who is Fouad Hussein and how did he gather undisclosed information on al Qaeda? What is the secret plan? How did al Qaeda change from a terrorist organization to an organization with plans to conquer the world? Is this merely a conspiracy theory?

Top Sources

"If there is someone in a position to really know what al Qaeda is plotting it could only be Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein," writes one commentator. Hussein managed to do the impossible. Journalists are given special treatment by terrorists, i.e. they are granted interviews and their lives are not endangered—even if an American journalist seeks an interview with the head of Al Qaeda himself. But never before has a journalist had so many sources at the top of the world's most dangerous Islamic terrorist organization.

It seems Hussein has done what nobody else could have accomplished. Shouldn't security experts be thanking him instead of wondering how he managed to do it?

"Apparently there is something extremely convincing about this Jordanian journalist," writes one of his European colleagues. "After all, didn't he manage to persuade wanted terrorists to open up to him?"

Perhaps their common history helps him. Fouad Hussein also spent time in jail for political activity, although he was not actually a terrorist. He has special ties with Zarqawi himself. Long ago Hussein used all of his abilities to have Zarqawi released from prison. Or perhaps it is the straightforward manner in which Hussein expresses his ideas in writing.

Apparently even a figure like Zarqawi feels a sense of hakoras hatov. One of the payments Hussein received was assistance in preparing a film on Zarqawi and al-Qaida was so pleased with the results it screened the film wherever it could.

"They know I succeed in explaining them," says Fouad. Whatever the truth may be the result is a new book: Al Zarqawi: The Second Generation of Al Qaeda.

"Frightening and Absurd"

"If you're looking for Hussein," says one of his colleagues, "he can be found sitting down for a rest at Cafe Vienna," a coffee shop in Amman. There one can see he is the calm, collected type. He is nothing like our image of a secret agent. But this short, slight man was able to do what nobody else before him could do: to expose the world's most dangerous terrorist organization's strategy for the next two decades.

It must be admitted, adds one security expert, the contents of the book sound both "frightening and absurd." It comes across as an "insane plan followed by crazies living in a world of their own." But the reality clearly demonstrates these crazies are capable of breaking into our world and wreaking havoc.

Those who choose to ignore Fouad Hussein's conclusions are liable to wake up one day and realize they were mistaken and the mistake will cost them dearly. The US discovered this on 9/11. Spain discovered it last year and England discovered it a few months ago.

Fouad's network of personal ties runs deeper and farther than just Zarqawi. For instance he managed to get an interview with one of Al Qaeda's most sensational figures, Saif al Adal.

Al Adal Talks

Saif al Adal is a terrorist from Egypt. The Americans claim he was among the terrorists behind the fatal attacks on their embassies in Dar Es Salaam and Nairobi in 1998. He is not as high up on the wanted list as Osama bin Laden, but he is not far behind and there is a $5 million bounty on his head.

Where is he? Fouad Hussein probably knows the answer, but he isn't telling. Five million dollars is not enough to buy someone with a best-seller like this on his hands and besides, the price for turning in a terrorist like this is death.

Western intelligence services believe Adal is currently in hiding in Iran. That stands to reason but the truth is anyone's guess. The only man who knows—Fouad—is keeping his lips sealed tight.

But he has plenty to say on the information he gathered from Adal. One interesting point that made a strong impression on the experts was that Adal sent Fouad a handwritten letter for publication. The original letter was about 15 pages but Fouad only printed the first two pages.

In the letter al Adal describes al Qaeda's early history as well as the differences of opinion between the two future leaders, Osama bin Laden and Musab al Zarqawi.

But al Adal is not merely a chronicler of the history of the most dangerous terrorist organization in the Arab world. He is also conversant with Al Qaeda's strategy, which he appears to have been involved in formulating.

Muslim Dominion in Seven Phases

In his introduction Fouad writes, "I interviewed a large number of al Qaida members. Although the organization exhibits unity on the outside, on the inside there are different ideologies operating, even at the top."

Despite these differing ideologies a general framework is identifiable, a master plan to take over the world. It may sound like a conspiracy theory intended to instill fear—or to sell millions—but al Qaida has proven it has tremendous capabilities. On pages 202 through 213 Fouad reveals al Qaida's plot. Readers can choose not to believe it, but one should at least know and beware.

"The plan displays both the terrorists' blindness and their cruel resolve," writes one of the journalists who interviewed Fouad Hussein.

The primary goal is to set up caliphates that would rule most of the world. The West, al Qaida maintains, will be too weak to oppose them.

The first phase is called "awakening." Between the years 2000 and 2003 al Qaida sought to awaken the Muslim world to its potential power and the aspirations it should pursue in the name of Islam.

The first event was the massive attack on September 11, 2001. This phase came to an end with the fall of Baghdad into US hands in 2003. The Americans were exuberant following the easy victory over Saddam Hussein, but al Qaida saw the development in a different light. To them this was final proof America is the Arab world's greatest enemy.

"The first phase was considered a great success by the top strategists and planners at al Qaida," Hussein reveals. "The battlefield was laid out and today the Americans—and their allies—are considered a close and easy target."

Volunteers and accomplices are not hard to find. "Now al Qaida's message is being listened to everywhere," adds Fouad, speaking for his sources.

Eye-Opening Experience

The second and present stage is "eye-opening," which will continue until 2006 say Fouad's sources. The terrorists' goal is to show the West they have to contend with "the Islamic community."

Here Fouad presents a debatable point. He claims al Qaida is currently trying to convince the Muslims of the world to join the "Movement." Don't most Muslim youths already feel united under Islam and perhaps radical Islam?

Even if the answer appears to be that al Qaida has achieved dizzying success among Muslims, not only in poor countries like Indonesia and Egypt but in Europe as well, al Qaida figures are not yet satisfied with the spread of their message. There is a difference between not opposing and agreeing, between being impressed and joining as an active members.

Fouad claims al Qaida wants to recruit as many youths as possible during this period. He adds that the main center of the movement is not supposed to be Pakistan or Iran, but Iraq. This point is bound to please George Bush, who worked hard to convince the US of the importance of continuing the struggle to turn Iraq into a democracy. And this, of course, would explain Zarqawi's bloody activity in the country.

According to the plan al Qaida will build its army in Iraq, eventually setting up bases in every other Arab country.

Awaken and Rise Up

The next stage, from 2007 to 2010, is to "awaken and rise up." Al Qaida will begin to apply the power it has built up, in some instances in the Arab world, other times in the rest of the world.

Fouad believes al Qaida plans to operate in Syria. Unlike his father, Bashar Assad II is as soft as butter in the hands of his advisors and assistants, making Syria an effective tool for al Qaida. Although Assad is unwilling to oppose America openly he won't be able to oppose what radical Islamists plan to do in his country.

Syria will serve as a convenient base for al Qaida. In fact the US claims it already is serving as a base. US army units are positioned on the Syrian border and sometimes manage to strike at Zarqawi's men. According to Fouad what is taking place in Syria today is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what will take place there in another two years.

After taking over Syria, either overtly or covertly, and after securing more and more control in Iraq, al Qaida will proceed toward its next two goals: Turkey and of course Israel.

Turkey is a moderate Muslim country even after the setup of a fundamentalist coalition. Al Qaida will seek to turn it into another stronghold on its way to converting the world to Islam.

Then comes Israel. "The brains behind al Qaida hope the attack on Israel will transform al Qaida into a known organization." Fouad adds some analysis of his own. Although nobody has told him, he believes at this stage al Qaida will try to operate in Jordan as well and King Abdullah's rule will not be able to stand up to al Qaida fundamentalists when they try to seize power.

The writing is on the wall.

On the Way to the Caliphates

Now we arrive at the year 2010. From this point onward al Qaida will take advantage of its achievements in a handful of countries—Iraq, Turkey, perhaps Jordan—to gain control over the entire Muslim world.

Al Qaida has a list of "hated" nations. Of course not just al Qaida hates them, but most of the proletariat, too, which suffers from poverty and want. This will serve as a volunteer pool for al Qaida after having proven itself during the preceding years.

The stronger al Qaida becomes, the weaker the Arab governments will become. Will Egypt and Saudi Arabia be able to stand up to them?

Based on al Qaida strategists Fouad predicts "the insidious loss of power among these regimes will lead to a concomitant growth in al Qaida's power."

To accelerate the process al Qaida will begin attacking oil exporters, as is already taking place to a certain extent in Iraq. At this stage al Qaida will resume regular activity against the US and this time it will be systematic and on a massive scale. According to Fouad the US will be hit by cyber- terror.

This term may sound like science fiction but cyber-terror is in fact a known and dangerous phenomenon. A serious blow to computers could paralyze a modern country, especially the US. Without computers the army cannot function, the White House would be severed from its control systems, the economic system would collapse and even power stations would be unable to supply electricity.

Of course it won't be easy. Today every country, particularly the US, is alert to the threat of cyber-terror. But if al Qaida managed to bring down the World Trade Center who knows what else it could pull off?

New World Order

In 2013 al Qaida will proclaim the realization of its first dream, the Muslim caliphates. This phase is scheduled to continue until 2016. During this period the West will have less and less influence on the Arab world. The State of Israel is also expected to have been weakened if it has not yet been annihilated . . .

Muslim rulers in the Arab world will pave the way for what every conspiracy theorist and every individual who dreams of changing the world calls "a new world order."

Few details are available on this period. Presumably the moderate Arab regimes still remaining will collapse, making way for fundamentalist Muslim rule like in Iran. Opponents will be assassinated, executed or sent to "re-education camps" according to the best of communist tradition. The people will be cut off from the detrimental influence of Western democracy and from material excess. An example of this can be found in Afghanistan during the Taliban, when it was forbidden to listen to Western music.

The US will not be obliterated. Not at this stage. But Western nations will be unable to confront internal developments in the Arab world, which will unite under the banner of radical Islam and al Qaida.

Who will head the leadership? Osama bin Laden? Zarqawi? Radical Muslims from Iran? There is no answer to this question, but major power struggles will probably take place as soon as fundamental Islam buttresses its power. Yet these power struggles will not undermine the might of radical Islam just as the power struggles in the Kremlin did not prevent the former Soviet Union from waging the Cold War.

Total Confrontation

The sixth phase will begin in 2016. The name given by Fouad Hussein says it all: "Total Confrontation."

All Muslim nations will unite under the caliphates, forming a "Muslim army" that will launch a big war between the "believers" and the "infidels." Osama bin Laden has been talking about this dream for years, ever since the first al Qaida model was set up in Afghanistan—with wholehearted US aid. In 2016 the dream, i.e. the nightmare, will turn into a reality.

Al Qaida anticipates the struggle for planetary control will take four years. Around 2020 they will reach the seventh phase, Final Victory. The reason is simple: The Western world will be weary and no longer believe in itself, whereas the Muslims will continue to believe in their undertaking.

The West has been weakened and its population is dwindling. In Europe, especially France, there is a growing fifth column. "We will have a billion and a half Muslims," boasts one al Qaida figure. Will the West be able to tackle such a large enemy camp?

The strategists say the war won't take more than two years. Whether they will use conventional or unconventional weapons is not stated, but those who are familiar with al Qaida and its style of attack know the organization's leaders do not balk from using any means of warfare. Thus although the plan allows up to four years for the war, that time period might be cut in half. Conclusion: al Qaida is Alive and Kicking

"Today it is harder than ever to understand al Qaida," say the experts. Beyond a doubt the organization, which began as a result of the Muslim revolt in Afghanistan and then spread to Saudi Arabia and Africa, has fragmented into local terror cells and bases whose ties are weak and nonbinding. It is hard to imagine the upper echelon continues to issue orders since bin Laden himself is busy guarding his life from the Americans pursuing him.

And perhaps the information passed onto the Jordanian journalist was really disinformation.

Though all of this is speculative al Qaida will certainly do all it can to continue launching terrorist attacks. Even if it cannot conquer the world its leaders are still busy trying and this is the message they plan to convey to the Muslim masses around the globe.

At the very least Fouad Hussein's new book provides an indication of what al Qaida wants and how the organization will try to achieve its ambitions, says one of his colleagues.

The warning has been issued. Al Qaida is alive and kicking.


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