Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Tishrei 5766 - October 15, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network












A Real Balabusta
A true story

by Miri Greengold

Dina checked the oven timer, peeked under the lid of the simmering soup, untied her apron and dashed out to the living room. Avrumi was waiting patiently, right where she'd left him, strapped into his stroller and ready for the quick trip to the neighborhood grocery store.

Considering a Divorced Person or Widower

By Rebbetzin Nomi Travis

"The worst you can do for an older single is to treat her like a nebech, claiming to be the all powerful that has just the right solution or segula to her predicament"

Fay Prepares for a Visit to Brazil (New York, May 2000)
by Gita Gordon

Editor's Note: With this issue we are beginning a new serial story by the author of South African Journeys. It is a story of returning to roots, an estranged family coming back to its Jewish sources. We are sure that you will not want to miss any installments.

Yehuda's Very Own Arba Minim
by S. N. Busch

"Abba!" Yehuda called out to where the men were busy building the Succah, "Am I going to get my Arba Minim soon?"

"Tomorrow, Be'ezras Hashem," Abba answered.

Double Hiddur
a story by R. Chadshai

"Which refrigerator can you recommend, Mr. Leibovich?" asked a young couple after taking a tour of the well-stocked electrical supply store, deliberating before the large choice.

The Lesson of the Fish
another Through the Looking Glass article by Drora Matlofsky

When a group leader — or an editor — wants to use material, but can't seem to fit it into the scheme of things, they use `glue' or `poetic license.'

So here is some editor's fish glue for this article which came after our Rosh Hashonah deadline:

by Sara Glaser

Presenting an autobiography by Sara Glaser, initiator of the popular Lifesaver's Guide, making its debut in YATED.


We haven't had letters for some time. What's doing with you readers?

Reminding you that we accept submissions — and pay.

by Avrohom Tzvi Schwartz

Inspirational pieces by Avrohom Tzvi Schwartz, author of Handful of Light and other books.

On Parenting Moshiach
by Risa Rotman

"This new father said he was glad to know that his son wouldn't be Moshiach. He didn't want to wait that long."

Wishful thinking or amusing musings . . .

66 Timesaving Tips for 5766
by Rosally Saltsman

Part II

[Ed.: You'll love these. They make so much sense. How about 45 and 47 — one for the body, one for the soul. Read them ALL in sequence!]

Quality Time
by Bayla Gimmel<

At the beginning of the school year, my daughter-in-law asked me to accompany my three-year-old granddaughter when she went to school for the first time. Each of the girls was supposed to come with her mommy but Faigy's mommy had just given birth that week and therefore was unable to attend. I was to be the fill-in.

Health Ministry Recommendations Regarding Soybean Consumption
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

1. The Israeli food industry makes extensive use of soybean products. Consumption statistics are limited and thus there should be encouragement for conducting more surveys and studies on various ethnic groups and age groups in order to study the consumption habits and the extent of use.

Home Remedies!
by Dr. Reuven Bruner, Ph.D.

An ingrown toenail occurs when a nail digs into the surrounding skin. It can cause tenderness, redness, and pain. Ingrown toenails can become infected. People most likely to suffer from ingrown toenails are those who trim their nails too quick, then try to squeeze into tight shoes. Sports such as basketball, squash and tennis that involve sudden stops can jam toes and cause problems as well.

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Some non-medical issue that will affect your care — based on letters I received from readers. There has been controversy in the literature about the long hours that doctors put in. In my day we worked 36 hours straight and sometimes 80-90 hours a week.


The season of abundance

The Morning Glory — or

by Zipporah Zien

Good Morning, dearest child!
This brilliant bluish gift
Blooms fresh each day, as milk
Each swirling bud unfolds and lifts
Its trumpet head to show
The creamy bright, white stamens' tips.

Enjoy the flourish while it lasts
For as it flaps from side to side
With autumn's windy fickle blasts
It flutters like a butterfly,
Through trapped, along the leafy vine
It freely flips.

This gift unwrapped will not be spent,
Although the gay initial phase
From azure blue to purple went,
The silken form gone flaccid — stays,
A wilted wrap collapsed,
Which harbors hope, encased within.

By nightfall gone, contrasting hues!
Then humbly cups of white, arrayed
With ruffled pink, in rows profuse
Stand guardian like a crisp display
Of sentries standing up to serve
In rows, both tall and thin.

Another day of vigil kept
Until the base begins to show
The hot sun makes the bloom inept
As pastel green, the calyx grows
And sloughing off the petal,
Lets the pod emerge and swell.

Then standing in the autumn sun
These pads will nurture tender seed
If let to burgeon till they're done,
Then slowly they'll begin to breed
Their offspring, till the crackling pod
Will burst and spread them well.

Beloved Child, should you behold
These sturdy vines entwining,
In vertical, ascending, bold
Attempts for sunlight pining,
Remember, you were made to strive,
To spread My knowledge far and wide.

Awaiting your reply,
Your Loving Father

Embarking on a New Year . . .


by Ruth Lewis

The ship's about to sail, to seek new worlds,
The eager voyager clambers now on board,
Heart full of joy and fear.
"You come, too!" she calls.
To family, to friends.
"There's room for everyone!
Hop on board!"

They stare, unmoving, stolid,
Feet firm planted there on solid land.
So, slowly, they disappear from view,
Into the mists, the ocean spray, her tears.

She sails alone, a voyage that's grown
More wondrous every day.
Yet decades later, her heart still grieves, still mourns,
Still hopes, still prays
For all those left behind . . .

A Smile, A Tear

by KSR

A smile, a tear
So distant, so near
One conveys gladness,
Its counterpart — sadness

But when Yossi was crying
His eyes I was drying
His tantrum intense
Frustration immense.

Taking in the scene
Of the anger extreme
As his fury he gripped —
A laugh escaped my lips.

The sight was most comical
His rage so illogical
My laughter grew stronger
As his fit swelled longer.

Then, from the corner of his eye
A laughing Mommy he did spy
His own tears turned around
As he lay there on the ground.

In no time, it took place
A smile covered his face
Together we enjoyed
A giggling Mommy and boy.

A smile, a tear,
So distant, so near
Emotions so intense
Can easily be bent.

As the Sages stood there sad,
R' Akiva laughed, was glad,
What is this? they asked.
Foxes in the sanctuary, bask?!

The vision, he said,
Telling of foxes and dread,
Also spoke of salvation,
We will see its realization.

The tears that we sow
Into ecstasy will grow
How gray is the line
Almost invisbly fine.

The tears we still cast -
How much longer will last?
But like Yossi's quick change,
Sudden joy — You can arrange.

Oz yimolei s'chok pinu . . .

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