Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Tishrei 5766 - October 15, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











What You are Missing

Here, to encourage readers of Dei'ah Vedibur to become subscribers to Yated Ne'eman - Bnei Brak, is a listing of what appears in the Succos print edition that is not online.

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9 pages of bulleted news items about Israel (a short sample follows). This gives a complete picture and the week's events in Israel and covers all significant events that are not covered in longer articles.

3 pages of bulleted news items about Jewish life around the world. (A short sample follows.)

Parsha Points to Ponder (a weekly feature - three parts)

An adult Succos story

A children's Succos story

Sparks of Glory (a weekly feature)

Rabbi Leff on Succos

A Libby Lazewnik story

A Recipe from Sara Finkel

18 longer news items about various aspects of the Jewish world.

Over 50 pictures and illustrations, many in color, and including an editorial cartoon by Yoni. Many of the news photographs include long captions that capsulize the events, such as the recent earthquake in Pakistan. This issue includes three pages of photographs of major events of 5765, including capsule summaries in the captions.

About 40 percent of this special issue is not inline. Usually close to 60 percent is not online.


Home Affairs

No Human Shields

In a landmark ruling, Israel's High Court banned the military's use of Palestinian civilians as `human shields' in arrest operations against suspected Palestinian terrorists, calling the practice a violation of international law.

Israelis Awaiting Transplants

816 Israelis are awaiting an organ transplant, with officials reporting that since January 1, 2005, 151 transplants were performed in Israel.

527 people await a kidney, 124 a liver, 113 a heart, 52 a lung and some 300 people are waiting for a cornea.

Religious Councils

The Union of Local Authorities has come out against a government plan under which the municipalities would foot the bill for 60 percent of religious councils' budgets, and which would give the government power to decide on the total sum that the religious councils are to receive.

"The government is ignoring the local authorities with regard to the religious councils," union head Adi Eldar wrote in a letter that he sent to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Rosh Hashanah eve.

Former Interior Minister Avraham Poraz tried unsuccessfully to persuade the prime minister to cancel the autonomous nature of the religious councils.


An earthquake felt around the country was reported in the Jordan Valley area. The quake measured 4.0 — 4.2 on the Richter scale.

Shabbos Work Halted

The Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) did not carry out the planned works to erect overhead power lines near the Ganot interchange on the Ayalon highway, due to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's request to delay the work.

Sharon's intervention is part of confidence-building steps in an attempt to find common ground with the chareidi parties, ahead of the budget vote.

Israel Population Density

Israel's population density equals Belgium's at 338 persons per sq. km, but the population density of Israel's cities varies widely.

Bnei Brak is Israel's most crowded city, with 19,500 persons per sq. km.; followed by Bat Yam 15,900 persons per sq. km.; Givatayaim 14,980 persons per sq. km.; and Kiryat Motzkin 10,400 persons per sq. km. Towns in outlying areas had fairly low population densities: Yeruchom 227 persons per sq. km., and Omer 300 persons per sq. km.

Among Israel's four largest cities, Tel Aviv had the highest population density, at 7,170 persons per sq. km.; followed by Jerusalem 5,642 persons per sq. km.; Haifa 4,211 persons per sq. km.; and Rishon LeZion 3,700 persons per sq. km.

The population of the Jerusalem district is 832,000, up 2.4 percent, compared with 2004. The population of the Central district was 1.62 million (up 2.3 percent); Tel Aviv district 1.18 million (up 1.1 percent); the Northern district 1.12 million (up 1.6 percent); Haifa district 852,000 (up 0.7 percent); and the Southern district 985,000 (up 1.7 percent).

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Community News

Jews to Uman

A record-breaking 20,000 Jews celebrated Rosh Hashanah in the Ukrainian city of Uman, the burial place of Rabbi Nachman, founder of the Breslav Chassidic movement.

Hi-Tech Kosher

New technology, developed by an Israeli firm, can help protect the authenticity of kosher tags and labels, according to Yoav Dvir Advanced Coding System. Its main product is known as AuthentiFiber Tags which cannot be forged.

Gluten-Free Certifications

A group known as the Gluten Intolerance Group has launched a gluten-free food certification program, developed in cooperation with the Food Services, Inc., a subsidiary of the Orthodox Union (the "OU").

This new inspection program will verify that food products meet the highest standards for gluten-free ingredients.

Jewish Poor Growing

More Jews than ever depended on financial and other support to celebrate the Jewish holidays, US agencies serving the poor say.

Officials say that the demand for basics like food and shoes was particularly strong amongst some of the Orthodox Jewish large families, and with senior citizens on a fixed income.

The number of Jewish poor living in New York City is said to exceed 140,000.


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