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HOME & FAMILY More About Ritalinby A. Raffles Input from a well-read, experienced but non-professional concerned reader.
Leibele Begins to Study Gemora One day, Leibele Kalmanowitz, the son of R' Osher, returned home from cheder with a note which read, "Tomorrow we shall begin to study Eilu Metziyos. Please send your child with a copy of Bova Metzia."
Our Children of Truth and Our Truth
Part II
The Liar and the Wind
Ever try to talk to a liar? You can, by the same token, talk
to the wind in the fields... You can also trust him as much
as you would the wind. You make plans with a liar or arrive
at some arrangement. It doesn't mean a thing. He promised you
something? It is meaningless. What's the point of asking him
a question if his answer may or may not be valid and true?
Twists of the Tongues A reader from Zichron Yaakov submitted the Hebrew word for `fruit' -- pri - - as being parallel to the French fruit, which is pronounced `frooee.' He also asks if there is any arrangement for payment for articles. Our answer: Single word submissions such as these are free.
The Train Journey
The train was nearing its final destination of Netanya, with
just one stop, Beit Yehoshua, to go. I sat watching the
familiar sights flit past me and felt a sense of satisfaction
that there was now a train to Beit Shemesh.
BOOK REVIEW WorldStorm: Finding Meaning and Directive Amidst Today's World Crisis, by Roy. S. Neuberger, will be of vital interest to anyone who finds him/herself overwhelmed, anxious or confused by the events of our time. As the world rebounds from one catastrophe to another and Jews everywhere recoil in disbelief from the rising virulence of new/old antisemitism, author Neuberger guides us through an analysis of the current clash of civilizations and cultures.
Avoiding the Common Cold There are more than 200 different viruses that cause the common cold. Despite what your mother told you, cold weather often only plays an indirect role. Most viruses that cause colds survive better when humidity is low, and cold weather may promote drying of the nasal membranes, making them more vulnerable to infection. Factors such as stress and allergies may make you more susceptible to colds.
Your Medical Questions Answered! Some clarifications on a previous article and we will also answer some letters. There are three types of fats: polyunsaturated, saturated and monounsaturated.
by Sara Gutfreund
The bird is the color of autumn leaves
Every morning I look for him out the kitchen window
And then, one morning, I see him flapping his feathers
I watch the tiny bird walk in circles for a while
I turn away from the window and wonder
Grace After Meals -- Bechein...
Haste Makes Waste
by Zippora Zien
While stating grace the first few times,
For finally it all was clear!
Four blessings which in turn relate
If man imbibes in four-course meals
To Whom are all our praises due,
Without such ample stores of grain
For all their money and their fame
For every foodstuff's properties
So when we've taken time to eat
Then we, most understandably,
Almight Power blesses us
In fact, how often do you find
Have you forgotten what you once learned,
We've also learned that banishment
Dear Friend, when finishing your meal
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