Reports from the American Aguda Convention Held over the weekend
November 24-27
This material came in too late for us to include it in last week's
edition. However it is certainly still of interest and vital
Agudath Israel of America's 89th National Convention, in which
thousands of Jews participated over the four day period of November 24-
27, confronted the unprecedented challenges of modern technology head
on, starting with the overcrowded Thursday night plenary session.
Aguda Convention Warns about the Danger on the Desk (and in the Pocket)
New Chareidi Magazine Katifa Begins Publication
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The first edition of chareidi magazine, Katifa, published on
Thursday, is a major milestone that has been months in the making and
is expected to make a significant impact on chareidi journalism.
Kosovo Police: Cemetery Vandals Not Identified
By R. Hoffner
In Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, police investigators have yet to
track down the vandals who desecrated graves in the local Jewish
cemetery last week, spray-painting graffiti and slogans such as "Jews
out" on dozens of gravestones that were refurbished just months ago in
a joint project with volunteers from Dartmouth College in New
Hampshire and students from the American University in Kosovo.
New Building at Beis Yaakov School in Tel Tzion
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Last week in Tel Tzion, a community outside Jerusalem, the second-
phase building of the Beis Yaakov school was inaugurated. Construction
work on the 16-classroom wing was completed recently.
Maran Rosh Hayeshiva — HaGaon R' Elozor Menachem Man Shach,
ztvk"l To mark the end of the sheloshim
Yegias HaTorah
Rabbi Chaim Shlomo Leibovitz heard from a talmid of his
grandfather, Rav Boruch Ber zt"l, who had a chavrusa
with Maran during the period that the latter got married. He told him
that on the Rosh Yeshiva's wedding day, that talmid of his
grandfather reasoned he would have some free time, for surely the
chosson would be busy. However, the Rosh Yeshiva sat and
learned with him until half an hour before his own chuppah.
`New Chareidim' and `Post Chareidim'
By Tzvi Weissenstern, Modi'in Illit
Like many others, I was astonished to see a photocopy of an article written by Natan Slifkin and
recently published in The Jerusalem Post which demonstrated the
extent of the distortions constantly promoted on the fringes of the
camp, in the form of "new chareidim," of various kinds.
More Opinions and Comments . . .
From Our Archives |
The Dynamics of
Golus Throughout the Generations
by Yisroel Spiegel
When Yaakov Ovinu left his parents' home, he headed for the School of
Eiver, where he remained sequestered for the next fourteen years
(Bereishis Rabba 68:5). These years were spent in study and self
preparation for the upcoming condition of exile through which he would
live for his duration in Lovon's home. When a Jew goes forth
into exile, he leaves his geographic location but he never goes into
exile from his Torah and his Jewish essence.
| Fear of Heavenly
Judgment by Maran HaRav Elozor Menachem Man
Shach zt"l
This shmuess was delivered by Rosh Yeshivas Ponovezh zt"l before the
kollel students of his yeshiva on 26 Elul 5756. Our version is based
on notes taken by one of the participants. Though the remarks were
delivered in preparation for Rosh Hashana, they are important the year
The Chofetz Chaim Of Torah Vodaas
Part Two: Man Of His People An appreciation of HaRav Avrohom
Pam zt"l
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
Message of an Earthquake
Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
an I - Should I?
Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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