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Kesivoh vechasimoh tovoh to all Beis Yisroel. Our next issue will be for Succos, and is to be published after Yom Kippur. The issue following that is planned for Shabbos Bereishis. Preview of Succos Issue Due to the timely nature and importance of this piece, we are putting up this shmuess from the Succos issue during Aseres Yemei Teshuvoh as a preview of our upcoming Succos issue. How to Avoid Meat Scandals: The Horrible Illness of Complacency
The War Will Finally be Investigated
A month after the Lebanon fighting stopped, the government
finally appointed a group that looks like it may actually
investigate the conduct of the war and the years leading up
to it.
"Shabbos opponents have declared war against the Shabbos, and
during a time of war it is imperative to raise the banner of
Shabbos in every possible manner. As such, instructions
should be issued to everyone to use only goods produced in
shomer Shabbos factories.
Rabbi David Ohana, Degel HaTorah chairman in Tiberius, took
his post on the city council last week based on a rotation
agreement with Shas. Degel HaTorah Secretary MK Rabbi Moshe
Gafni offered his blessings of success to the incoming
representative, who is among the party's important young
New regulations requiring warranties and service for new
electronic and gas products priced at over NIS 150 took
effect this week. According to the Consumer Council the new
regulations promise dramatic improvement but are lacking
since they do not include valuable items such as musical
instruments, jewelry, rugs, furniture, sanitary equipment,
and more.
The Laws of Yom Kippur: Repression or Liberation?
Yom Kippur is the decisive refutation of the impression that
outsiders often have of Torah observance: that it is a regime
dominated by limitations and restrictions, suppressing and
repressing important parts of the human being to an extent
that is liable to cause depression and worse. And He Made a Tremendous Impact on the Yeshiva . . .
A summary of the shmuess delivered by Maran HaGaon
R' Moshe Mordechai Epstein zt'l, rosh yeshivas
Slobodka in the main Heichal Hayeshiva, on Rosh Hashonoh
before the blowing of the Shofar
Part II
"In the days gone by which I knew, every person would be
seized with dread at the sound of the holy cry of `Elul!'
This fear bore fruit by intensifying a person's service to
Hashem, each one according to his level . . . In these days
of awe, we must prepare ourselves for the upcoming judgment
of Rosh Hashonoh, by establishing a study schedule in works
conducive to G-d-fear," writes Maran HaGaon R' Yisroel
Salanter ztvk'l in his letter.
The Power of Making a Specific Undertaking
A few days remain until Yom Kippur; let's use them to the
utmost. Chazal tell us (Kiddushin 49) that if "a
person enters into a marriage `on condition that I am
righteous,' the marriage is binding even if he is utterly
wicked because he may have entertained a thought of
repentance." Repentance can be the matter of a moment —
and we still have two days!
Three Shofros
It was almost midnight. Sara let herself into the dark house
silently, threw herself onto her bed and sobbed
uncontrollably, but silently, into her pillow. What had she
done? She had given her three-month-old baby to a neighbor,
together with a fortune in money and jewels, and begged her
to look after her till the end of the war, till she came back
for her.
Returning a Lost Object Are we not, in some sense, lost objects, hoping to refind-
redefine ourselves on the Yomim Noroim, with the help of the
Memories of HaRav Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky, the Steipler
Rov, author of Kehillos Yaakov A Century Since the Founding of Yeshivas Shaar HaShomayim -
- 5666-5766
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
Monday, 3 Tishrei (Sept. 25) is Tzom Gedalya on which
we fast in memory of the killing of Gedalya ben Achikom who
was appointed by Nevuchadnezer to protect the Jews after the
destruction of the first Beis HaMikdosh.
The minhag is for the Mora DeAsra to deliver a
deroshah on Shabbos Shuvah to awaken the
olam to teshuvah and inform the community of
the halochos of Yom Kippur and Sukkos (see Mishnah
Berurah chap. 429).
The custom is to make kaporos during the Aseres
Yemei Teshuvah. "It is proper for every male to try to
obtain an aliyah during these days. Even where the
aliyos are sold he should buy them according to his
capability. On the contrary, it is more advantageous to pay
for a mitzvah than to receive it for free" (Mateh
Avrohom cited in Mishnah Berurah 584:8).
It is a mitzvah to eat on Erev Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur falls on Monday, 10 Tishrei (Oct. 2).
Yizkor is said on Yom Kippur.
On Yom Kippur one is prohibited in all the five
Kiddush Levonoh is recited on Motzei Yom Kippur
(for those who do not follow the Gaon's ruling to recite
Kiddush Levonoh during the Aseres Yemei
The minhag is to start building a succah on
Motzei Yom Kippur.
Yom Tov Sukkos falls on Shabbos, 15 Tishrei (Oct. 7)
in Eretz Yisroel, and in Chutz La'aretz on both
Shabbos and Sunday, 15 and 16 Tishrei (Oct. 7-8). We are
obligated to eat lechatchilah more than a
beitzah of bread on that night while sitting in a
succah with kavonoh to fulfill this
mitzvah. In addition, we must have kavonoh that
we are doing so in memory of yetzias Mitzrayim and the
anonei kovod that protected us in the midbar
from the sun and the rain.