Parshas Mikeitz, 5766
Sunday, 24 Kislev - Shabbos, 30 Kislev 5766
(Dec. 25-31, 2005) |
Eruvin 81-87
Pe'ah, 15-21
Eruvin 10:14 - Pesochim 2:5
Orach Chaim 481:2-489:8
Chanukah starts on the eve of 25 Kislev (Dec. 26) and ends on
Monday, 2 Teves (Jan. 2). We must be on the alert to fire
safety and not light the neiros near inflammables.
Small children should not be left alone near the
Rosh Chodesh Teves falls on Shabbos, Dec. 31 and on
Sunday, Jan. 1, 2006.
in Eretz Yisroel:
Parshas Vayeishev
4:06 P.M.
Bnei Brak:
4:19 P.M.
London: 3:38 P.M.
Johannesburg: 6:15 P.M.
Melbourne: 8:27 P.M.
Parshas Mikeitz
4:10 P.M.
Bnei Brak:
4:24 P.M.
London: 3:44 P.M.
Johannesburg: 6:15 P.M.
Melbourne: 8:29 P.M.
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Yated Ne'eman-Bnei Brak!

Produced and housed by
 Shema Yisrael Torah Network

 At The Center of the Universe by Mordechai Plaut
Degel Hatorah Conference — Problems and Proposals
for the Chareidi Community
By B. Kahn and Y. Ariel
The Degel HaTorah National Convention ended last week with a
closing session in the main meeting hall of the Eden Inn in
Zichron Yaakov. All of the hundreds of convention delegates
were on hand. Seated at the dais were HaRav Aharon Roter,
Zichron Yaakov Moro De'asra HaRav Mordechai Abramovsky, Party
Chairman Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz, Party Secretary Rabbi Moshe
Gafni, Jerusalem Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky and Rabbi
Yitzchok Reich, who served as chairman of the closing
New Letters Clarify Damage of Nosson Slifkin's
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Rumors and assumptions that rabbonim who had not signed among
the more than twenty signers of the original letter against
three works by Nosson Slifkin, The Science of Torah,
Mysterious Creatures, and The Camel the Hyrax and
the Hare, did not sign because they supported Slifkin's
work were shown to be false in recent letters issued by HaRav
Shmuel Kamenetsky, HaRav Aharon Shechter, the Novominsker
Rebbe, and HaRav Shlomo Miller.
To Chareidim LeDvar Hashem Who Fly
We are distraught and still lacking a solution for our Jewish
brethren who must travel by plane. Today, during the flight,
passengers are exposed to a stumbling block in the form of
movies and this is within our control.
Degel HaTorah and Agudah Negotiating Teams Meet
by Betzalel Kahn
Degel HaTorah and Agudas Yisroel negotiating teams met on
Monday in Jerusalem to discuss the possibility of a united
list in the next Knesset elections.
New Law to Limit Volume at Simchas
by Eliezer Rauchberger
The Knesset plenum passed in second and third readings on
Monday an amendment to the Business Licensing Law that will
require event halls and event grounds to install volume
control devices to limit noise levels.
Tax Consultants will No Longer Need Bagrut
by Eliezer Rauchberger
According to a new law the Knesset plenum passed on Monday in
second and third readings, tax consultants will no longer
need a college degree or a Bagrut certificate on condition
they have completed 12 years of study at any institution and
they pass the exams administered by the Council of Tax
Rain Tent Erected at Kosel Maarovi
by Betzalel Kahn
A tent to be used as a beis knesses on rainy days has
been erected in the upper section of the Western Wall
Forty Percent of Tax Reductions Go to Upper Tenth
by G. Lazer
Leah Achdut, head of Bituach Leumi's research department,
said at the First Annual Conference for Economics and Social
Affairs held at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem, the
cumulative tax reductions following the income tax reforms
between 2001 and 2006 will come to NIS 10 billion ($2.1
Holocaust Victims Receive Jewish Burial
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Thirty-four Jewish victims of the Holocaust were laid to rest
near Stuttgart at a funeral service according to the
traditions of Jewish law. The remains of these victims were
discovered during work at a US Airforce Base near
More News ...
Why We Censor
Is it wrong to add: "Don't choose death"?
Is it an unwarranted, or intolerable, restriction of someone's freedom if rabbonim say to him: "This reading material is deadly for your soul. Keep away."?
Are rabbonim expected to just "mind their own business" (which is truly in part the spiritual health of Klal Yisroel) and not speak out when they see people who sincerely seek the truth and wish to expand and deepen their knowledge and understanding of Torah, and innocently try to realize their ambitions by studying "books [that] are in opposition to our Torah" (HaRav Shechter and HaRav Kamenetsky) and in fact "do terrible offense to our hallowed tradition, and distort and undermine the Torah's clear truths," as the Novominsker Rebbe wrote?
Chanukah, the Miracle of Mesiras Nefesh
Compiled from the sichos of Morenu veRabbeinu HaRav
Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, shlita
According to the Maharam MiRottenburg (Tur; Orach
Chaim, Simon 670), there is no obligation of mishteh
vesimchah — of having a festive meal on Chanukah.
The Bach, in order to explain the opinion of the Maharam,
writes that the primary reason for the harsh decree against
Klal Yisroel was because of hisrashlus
be'avodoh, a laxity in our commitment to serve Hashem.
More Opinion & Comment . . .
Observations: Solving the Environmental Problem of
Disposable Diapers
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Exotech Bio Solutions Ltd., an Israeli start-up high-tech
company, claims that it has solved the main environmental
problem of disposable diapers with its biodegradable
by Gita Gordon
Serializing a new novel.
Chapter 7 Dean in Jerusalem (July 2000) — Part
Fleeing from sinister figures who are clearly out to harm
him, Dean has taken a flight to Israel using a passport he
found in the airport. He has come to Mir Yeshiva in
Yerushalayim to return the passport, but has no clear plans
beyond that.
Eretz Yisroel, at All Costs
by E. Weil and B. Schwartz
Part I
About living in Eretz Yisroel and commuting to a job in chutz la'aretz.
Once every three Shabbosim, or every "weekend," or sometimes
only two days a month, they come back from abroad, to
families eagerly awaiting them. Most of the time, they are in
Europe, the U.S. or South America, teaching in yeshivos,
chadorim, serving as shochtim and
kashrus supervisors plus a wide range of other
occupations requiring them to remain for relatively long
periods of time away from their families — abroad.
ASK THE SHADCHAN Emotional Stability
by Rebbetzin Nomi Travis
Dear Shadchente,
I enjoy your columns and wondered if you could dedicate some
space to a "Readers Guide to Shidduch Lingo." Even though I
have B"H married off some children, after a break of a few
years, I feel like I need a refresher course in order to
understand what people say regarding potential candidates for
marriage. With time, I have grown more skeptical and cannot
just swallow some descriptions that are common hyperbole.
More Home & Family . . .
Making a Mockery of Law — The Insulting Record of
Israel's High Court of Justice
by Binyamin Y. Rabinowitz
Degel HaTorah: Banner of Allegiance
by Rabbi A. Gefen
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
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