and Family
Home Remedies!
by Dr. Reuven Bruner, Ph.D.
An ingrown toenail occurs when a nail digs into the
surrounding skin. It can cause tenderness, redness, and pain.
Ingrown toenails can become infected. People most likely to
suffer from ingrown toenails are those who trim their nails
too quick, then try to squeeze into tight shoes. Sports such
as basketball, squash and tennis that involve sudden stops
can jam toes and cause problems as well.
Home treatment generally is all that is needed for ingrown
toenails. Follow these tips to tame tortured toes: Soak your
foot in warm soapy water for 10 minutes, 1-3 times a day.
Using the tip of a nail file that's been sterilized in
boiling water for 15 minutes, carefully lift the nail away
from the reddened skin at the outer corners. If you can, tuck
a small piece of cotton soaked in an antiseptic or topical
antibiotic just under the outer corner of the ingrown
Repeat these 3 steps daily until the nail begins to grow
correctly and pressure is relieved. Wear roomy shoes or
sandals during this time.
To help prevent ingrown toenails, cut nails straight across.
Do not cut them shorter at the sides than in the middle. File
the corners of the nails, if they're sharp after clipping
them. And always wear shoes and socks that fit properly.
WARNING: People with diabetes or poor circulation should not
try this home remedy for ingrown toenails.
(c) 2005 Dr. Reuven Bruner. All Rights Reserved. For more
information contact him at: POB 1903, Jerusalem, 91314,
Israel; Tel: (02) 652-7684; Mobile: 052 2865-821; Fax: (02)
652-7227; Email: dr_bruner@hotmail.com