Justice Ministry Continues to Prevent Transfer of Funding
to Torah Institutions
by Betzalel Kahn
The Justice Ministry continues to create obstacles to prevent
the transfer of funding to Torah and chinuch
institutions, citing various legal rationales, some of which
are not grounded in reality but are apparently just intended
to delay, disrupt and prevent the chareidi public from
receiving their rightful funding.
Notice Regarding Kela'ei Hakerem
The publication of a notice by the Center for Halachic
Agriculture brought numerous questions. Rabbonim from the
Kashrus Lemehadrin organization would like to clarify the
matter as follows:
The Whole Truth on the Olive Oil Scandal and Yated's Part
in Solving It
by N. Katzin
Two weeks ago Taaman CEO Chaim Shalom told Yated
Ne'eman the following telltale fact: If olive oil is
priced below NIS 20 per bottle it might be fake. One week
later Taaman olive oil could be found on grocery store
shelves for NIS 11.75.
Hiddurim in Olive Oil for Hanukah
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Regarding the hiddur of using olive oil to light
Hanukah candles, Maran HaRav Eliashiv made known previously
that the closer the oil is to the olive oil used for the
menorah in Beis Hamikdosh, the more
mehudar it is for Hanukah.
Interior Ministry Grants Citizenship to Thousands of Non-
Jews; Rabbonim and Public Figures Protest
by G. Lazer
Rabbonim and public figures are stepping up protests against
a trend at the Interior Ministry to grant citizenship to
thousands of foreign workers residing in Israel.
Separate Prayer Sections for Men and Women at Har Tzion
by Betzalel Kahn
After several years arrangements have finally been made for
the full separation between men and women at the Har Tzion,
which is believed to be the gravesite of Dovid Hamelech.
Media Bias in Apparently Innocent Stories
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
It is sometimes surprising where bias turns up in media
reports. Stories that seem innocent and on topics far removed
from the issues may have serious flaws, as HonestReporting
showed in a recent report.
Histadrut Allows Religious Council Workers to Strike
by G. Kleiman
"Religious council workers around the country are hereby
authorized to strike to protest the prolonged withholding of
their pay," the Histadrut announced.
What is the Answer to Gaza Kassams?
by Mordecai Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff
In the months since the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, the
Kassam missiles have continued to fall regularly. There was
no significant difference in the rate that prevailed before
the withdrawal and after the withdrawal. So far Israel has
not developed an "answer" — in military terms, a reply
that will stop them.
More News ...
They Try to Make us Forget Your Torah
The issue of army service for yeshiva students has been in
the news lately, as a case before the High Court that seeks
to upset the Tal Law makes its way through the legal process.
The public service of yeshiva bochurim was also
discussed extensively at a Cabinet meeting two weeks ago,
where suggestions were made to make army service "more
attractive" to Torah scholars, as it were.
Chanukah, the Miracle of Mesiras Nefesh
Compiled from the sichos of Morenu veRabbeinu HaRav
Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, shlita
Part Two
Chanukah is a celebration of mesiras nefesh; an
acknowledgement of what mesiras nefesh can accomplish,
regardless of the odds, regardless of teva. In
response to our mesiras nefesh Hashem saved us with
More Opinion & Comment . . .
Observations: Saudi Women Have a Message for the West:
They Like Their Lifestyles
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Karen P. Hughes, the under secretary of state for public
diplomacy, is charged with spreading the American message in
the Muslim world. She went on a tour of the Arab world. One
audience she faced, 500 women covered in black at a Saudi
university, seemed ideal for her pitch.
by Gita Gordon
Serializing a new novel.
Chapter 8 New York (July 2000)
We leave Dean at the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and return
to Fred Smith who has plotted to send Dean's parents to the
Amazon on a trip from which they will not return.
The Pull of the Outside World
True Stories by Sara Gutfreund
Chana was born into an exemplary, frum family. Her
father was a respected Rosh Yeshiva, and her mother was a
fountain of chessed who always had her priorities
straight. Chana was the eldest of six siblings, and she was a
responsible, dedicated student. The children all thrived from
the warmth and peace in their loving home, and they never
noticed the sparse furnishings or the limited budget.
More Home & Family . . .
Binyan Shaleim: Living in Good Company
by Tzvi Sofer
The Vision and the Rescue Mission: A Historical Survey of
Torah Development in Eretz Hakodesh and the US
by Rav Aryeh Gefen
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
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