After several years arrangements have finally been made for
the full separation between men and women at the Har Tzion,
which is believed to be the gravesite of Dovid Hamelech.
For years many people avoided the site since tourists were
constantly passing along the narrow walkway alongside the
gravesite, causing disturbances. Following numerous
complaints HaRav Shmuel Rabinowitz, the rov of the Kosel
Maarovi and the holy sites, working in cooperation with Rabbi
Yosef Schwinger, director of the National Center for the
Development of Holy Sites, set about seeking a solution to
the problem despite the limitations at the site.
They decided to remove the wall that distanced
mispallelim from the gravesite in order to allow more
space for prayer and to create a separation between men and
women. Visitors who only want to look can do so from the
adjoining room.
These alterations began after Shavuos but objections by
various tourism organizations delayed the process. Eventually
they were persuaded the changes benefit both the tourists and
the mispallelim and now many wonder how these changes
were not made long ago.