Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

22 Cheshvan 5766 - November 23, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Sharon Leaves Likud — Tumultuous Election Campaign Expected
by M Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff

Prime Minister Sharon announced on Monday that he will leave the Likud and start his own party to run in the upcoming elections. Instant polls showed the new party winning 30 Knesset seats, to 26 for Labor and only 15 for Likud. This would mean that Sharon would form the next government.

Interior Ministry Restores Land Allocation Authority to Elected Representatives
By Betzalel Kahn

The Interior Ministry altered the regulations on the formation of distribution committees at the local authorities as well as a decision by the director of the ministry. Following the petition filed by Betzedek it was decided to reinstate the elected officials to the Distribution Committee at the local authorities, replacing the unelected city officials recently appointed.

US Agudah Convention This Week
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The 83rd National Convention of Agudath Israel of America will open this Thursday, November 24, at the Stamford Westin Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut.

Eruvin in Disrepair Due to Lack of Funding
by Betzalel Kahn

The Rabbinical Council for Eruvin Matters in Eretz Hakodesh is warning against further eruvin budget cutbacks in the preliminary 2006 budget and the existential threat they pose to building and maintaining eruvin around the country. If eruvin are not properly funded, the Rabbinical Council warns, hundreds of thousands of shomrei Shabbos will not be able to carry outside their homes.

Ariel Sharon: Maker and Breaker
By M. Halevy

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was the man who set up the Likud nearly 30 years ago and now he is the man dismantling the party.

Education Ministry Eliminates Longstanding Maternity Bonus
by G. Kleiman and Betzalel Kahn

The Education Ministry decided to cancel the maternity bonus ("Gmul Em") given for decades to full-time women teachers with children. For decades mothers of children up to age 14 received a 10 percent salary bonus, but now the Education Ministry is claiming that it is making the cut to motivate them to spend more time with their children at home.

Fuel Shortage at Mikvo'os Around the Country
by Betzalel Kahn

The National Center for Family Purity is issuing warnings of a grave shortage of heating fuel for mikvo'os at various locations around the country and is convening an emergency board meeting to discuss the situation.

Wages Still Withheld at Dozens of Religious Authorities
by Eliezer Rauchberger and ITIM

At 40 religious councils around the country as of late last week, last month's wages had not been paid: four councils had not paid in full and 13 councils had outstanding debts ranging from two months to ten months, according to a report presented at the Knesset Finance Committee by Shlomo Stern, head of the Histadrut's Division of Education and Religious Workers.

Bagatz Denies NRP Petition to Reduce Kollel Funding
by Betzalel Kahn

The High Court denied a petition filed by several national- religious high schools against the Education Ministry's decision to set criteria regarding the amount of funding provided to yeshiva students and avreichei kollelim.

National Degel HaTorah Convention in Zichron Yaakov in Kislev
by Betzalel Kahn and W. Ariel

Hundreds of Degel HaTorah activists around the country are eagerly awaiting the Agudas Hachareidim-Degel HaTorah National Convention scheduled to take place in Kislev in Zichron Yaakov. Rabbonim, members of the national secretariat, party heads and representatives from every city are expected to take place.

A New Sefer Torah for Ohr Somayach Sandton in South Africa
by Yated Ne'eman South African Correspondent

On Sunday, Ohr Somayach Sandton celebrated its "bar mitzvah" with a joyous hachnosas sefer Torah ceremony, in which a newly-written sefer Torah commissioned by the 13 year- old congregation was formally brought into the shul.

Hizbullah Attack on the Northern Border
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

On Monday afternoon, the Hizbullah terror organization initiated an attack against Israeli civilian and military targets, an attack which included rocket fire, mortar shells and gunfire in the areas of Mettula, Rajar and Mount Dov. An IDF officer and soldier situated in IDF posts were severely wounded in this attack.

Rabbi Gafni's Proposed Amendment Passes Preliminary Reading
by Eliezer Rauchberger

The Knesset plenum approved, in a preliminary reading, a law proposed by MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni to permit two parties united under a single Knesset list to divide the party funding evenly even if one party receives more mandates than the other.

Mrs. Miriam Friedman o'h
by Betzalel Kahn

Yerushalayim's Mattersdorf neighborhood witnessed a heart- rending levaya on motzei Shabbos parshas Lech Lecho, suffused with anguish and copious weeping, as thousands accompanied Mrs. Miriam Friedman o'h, the wife of ylct'a HaRav Elyokim Friedman, who passed away at the tragically early age of forty-two.

Ban on Tuna
by G. Kleiman

The Health Ministry has issued a public health warning against the consumption of Man chunk tuna in oil packaged in round, 960-gram cans (700 grams dry weight) bearing a red Tov Taam label and manufactured between August 1, 2005 and November 9, 2005, which may contain histamines that can cause allergic reactions.

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