Sharon Leaves Likud — Tumultuous Election Campaign
by M Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff
Prime Minister Sharon announced on Monday that he will leave
the Likud and start his own party to run in the upcoming
elections. Instant polls showed the new party winning 30
Knesset seats, to 26 for Labor and only 15 for Likud. This
would mean that Sharon would form the next government.
Interior Ministry Restores Land Allocation Authority to
Elected Representatives
By Betzalel Kahn
The Interior Ministry altered the regulations on the
formation of distribution committees at the local authorities
as well as a decision by the director of the ministry.
Following the petition filed by Betzedek it was decided to
reinstate the elected officials to the Distribution Committee
at the local authorities, replacing the unelected city
officials recently appointed.
US Agudah Convention This Week
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The 83rd National Convention of Agudath Israel of America
will open this Thursday, November 24, at the Stamford Westin
Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut.
Eruvin in Disrepair Due to Lack of Funding
by Betzalel Kahn
The Rabbinical Council for Eruvin Matters in Eretz Hakodesh
is warning against further eruvin budget cutbacks in
the preliminary 2006 budget and the existential threat they
pose to building and maintaining eruvin around the
country. If eruvin are not properly funded, the
Rabbinical Council warns, hundreds of thousands of shomrei
Shabbos will not be able to carry outside their homes.
Ariel Sharon: Maker and Breaker
By M. Halevy
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was the man who set up the Likud
nearly 30 years ago and now he is the man dismantling the
Education Ministry Eliminates Longstanding Maternity
by G. Kleiman and Betzalel Kahn
The Education Ministry decided to cancel the maternity bonus
("Gmul Em") given for decades to full-time women
teachers with children. For decades mothers of children up to
age 14 received a 10 percent salary bonus, but now the
Education Ministry is claiming that it is making the cut to
motivate them to spend more time with their children at
Fuel Shortage at Mikvo'os Around the Country
by Betzalel Kahn
The National Center for Family Purity is issuing warnings of
a grave shortage of heating fuel for mikvo'os at
various locations around the country and is convening an
emergency board meeting to discuss the situation.
Wages Still Withheld at Dozens of Religious
by Eliezer Rauchberger and ITIM
At 40 religious councils around the country as of late last
week, last month's wages had not been paid: four councils had
not paid in full and 13 councils had outstanding debts
ranging from two months to ten months, according to a report
presented at the Knesset Finance Committee by Shlomo Stern,
head of the Histadrut's Division of Education and Religious
Bagatz Denies NRP Petition to Reduce Kollel Funding
by Betzalel Kahn
The High Court denied a petition filed by several national-
religious high schools against the Education Ministry's
decision to set criteria regarding the amount of funding
provided to yeshiva students and avreichei
More News ...
A Moral Analysis of the US Economy
In September, the US imported $66 billion more than it
exported. If things continue the way they have been going in
the first nine months of the year — and there is every
expectation that they will — then the US will import a
total of $706 billion more than it exports.
The Need to Conceal the Rationale of Mitzvos
by HaRav E. E. Dessler
[This shmuess was delivered at the Mashgiach's monthly
shiur on Shabbos parshas Chukas 5764 and was
recorded by someone in the audience.]
More Opinion & Comment . . .
More Observations . . .
by Gita Gordon
Serializing a new novel.
Chapter 5 — Part 2
Brazil, June 2000
Fay and Eli are supposed to be going on a business trip to
South America to investigate a charity that is trying to save
Amazonian rainforests. They have many questions about the
need for the trip, arranged by Eli's assistant Fred. In the
middle of the trip, when Fay decides she wants to go back to
the hotel, their guide pulls out a gun and insists that they
must go onto the helicopter that is waiting to take
The Tzadik's Eternal Flame
A very true story
by Gavriel Horan
The midday sun sweltered down upon the crowd of Jerusalemites
waiting impatiently for the bus. Ironically, the heat was
intensified by the crowd itself that in an effort to stay
cool had huddled together in a tight mob under the small
awning of the bus stop shelter, whose tiny strip of shade
served more for appearance than shelter.
More Home & Family . . .
Vechol Bonayich Limudei Hashem
by M. T. Weinberg
The Basket FICTION
by A. Harel
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
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