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Residents of the neighborhoods in the vicinity of Rechov
Yechezkel have been campaigning against the Photo Alain store
for many years. The storeowner, Elchanan Chakon, has been
selling various movies for years to young people; some of
them were obscene. Many were illegal copies. Many attempts
were made by activists, residents, and local rabbonim to
remove this scourge from the neighborhood, but they all came
to nothing. U.S. Comes to the Mideast U.S. envoys former Gen. Anthony Zinni and the assistant
secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs William Burns
arrived on Monday to try to restart the peace process. On
Tuesday they met with Israeli prime minister Sharon and were
taken on a helicopter tour of the Palestinian areas. On
Wednesday they are due to meet with Yasser Arafat.
Yated has learned from independent sources that
besides the spices previously reported -- parsley, dill, and
cilantro (coriander) -- also spinach grown in Israel during
shmittah at Sde Eliyahu (SDA Spice) was imported to
the U.S. However, the spinach was not sent out under the OU
hechsher and it was thus not even used in OU-
supervised plants. This information was confirmed by the
The independent Orthodox conversion system is facing collapse
due to a lack of funds from the Education Ministry, and the
conversion system of Israel faces the threat of a takeover by
the Joint Conversion Institutes which include representatives
of the Conservative and Reform movements.
Lowest Interest Rate since State The Bank of Israel cut its key interest rate by 0.3 percent
Monday evening bringing the nominal interest rate below 6
percent for the first time in the Bank of Israel's history.
Because inflation is low, the real interest rate remains high
at 3.5 percent. The differential between the American
interest rate (dollars) and the Israeli interest rate
(shekels) is also high at about 4.3 percent. MARAN HARAV SHACH ZTVK"L ![]() Remembering and Learning from Maran ztvk"l
Although Maran HaRav Shach ztvk"l was best known to the world for his activities in Israeli politics, this was not the story of his life nor the main focus of his life, even during the years in which he was politically active. It is far from us to be able to in any way sum up HaRav Shach's achievements, but it is clear that his greatest achievements lay in the areas of Torah, yiras Shomayim and general avodas Hashem. As Told to Dov Partzowitz Our meeting took place during the shivoh week, when the feelings of heartbreak and helplessness were at their most acute. Our attempts at evaluating HaRav Shach's life and his leadership were punctuated by outbursts of crying, shedding tears of longing for the light that had dimmed and gone out just a few days before. by HaRav Meir Heisler, transcribed by Rafael Berlson HaRav Heisler, a veteran disciple of Maran ztvk'l, related a succession of amazing stories about the ameilus, yegio and ahavas haTorah of Maran Sar HaTorah ztvk'l. Twice during the speech, Rav Heisler's voice broke, choked with tears; his love for Maran permeated the room. Lebenslied -- the Lifesong of Maran, ztvk'l by HaRav Yehudah Dvir "Do you not know that a sar vegodol has fallen today in Israel?" said Dovid Hamelech (Shmuel II 3:35) upon eulogizing the death of Avner ben Ner. Sar means literally "officer" or "minister," and in its broader connotation: leader. Godol denotes exactly that. And we lament today: Don't you know that we have become orphaned today from a minister, an officer, from a great figure? As a public, collectively, and each and every one of us, individually. HaRav Shach Zt'l, Founder And Mentor Of Yated
Ne'eman by Rabbi Nosson Zeev Grossman A profound sense of personal loss can be felt these days in the offices of Yated Ne'eman. Although so many felt that their relationship with the Rosh Yeshiva was special and somehow unique -- and these feelings have been brought into even sharper focus over the past weeks -- the Yated staff were still aware of his having felt a particular warmth for the paper which he brought into existence and for whose survival he went to such lengths. by L. Jungerman "And a man (the angel who was the guardian angel of Eisov) wrestled with him (Yaakov Ovinu) until the break of dawn." Eisov's ministering angel fought with Yaakov; in other words, the manifestation of evil which struggles throughout history wrestled with the powers of good represented by Yaakov. Observations: New York to Allow Gambling by Yated Ne'eman Staff The New York's state constitution has not allowed gambling for more than a century, but various exceptions have been made over the years, including betting on horse races, charity bingo, the state lottery in 1966 and even casino gambling for charities that was passed in a referendum in 1975. PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE It has always been the tendency for one generation to bemoan the deterioration of the upcoming generation. Taking this factor into account, experts in education have seen a dramatic decline in the learning abilities of students over the past 25 years. Many truisms no longer ring true and often, standard educational techniques are no longer effective. IN-DEPTH FEATURES A Single Mussar Thought: HaRav Moshe Aharon Braverman
Shares Memories Of His Fifty Year Association With HaRav
Shach zt'l Click here for conditions of use. |