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U.S. Comes to the Mideast U.S. envoys former Gen. Anthony Zinni and the assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs William Burns arrived on Monday to try to restart the peace process. On Tuesday they met with Israeli prime minister Sharon and were taken on a helicopter tour of the Palestinian areas. On Wednesday they are due to meet with Yasser Arafat. Further U.S. Shmittah Issues
Yated has learned from independent sources that besides the spices previously reported -- parsley, dill, and cilantro (coriander) -- also spinach grown in Israel during shmittah at Sde Eliyahu (SDA Spice) was imported to the U.S. However, the spinach was not sent out under the OU hechsher and it was thus not even used in OU- supervised plants. This information was confirmed by the OU. Further Declines in Conversion Process in Israel: Reform
and Conservative Movements Could Take Over Soon
The independent Orthodox conversion system is facing collapse due to a lack of funds from the Education Ministry, and the conversion system of Israel faces the threat of a takeover by the Joint Conversion Institutes which include representatives of the Conservative and Reform movements. Lowest Interest Rate since State The Bank of Israel cut its key interest rate by 0.3 percent Monday evening bringing the nominal interest rate below 6 percent for the first time in the Bank of Israel's history. Because inflation is low, the real interest rate remains high at 3.5 percent. The differential between the American interest rate (dollars) and the Israeli interest rate (shekels) is also high at about 4.3 percent. Derech Eretz in Manchester
Project D.E.R.E.C.H. originated in Toronto and has now reached Manchester, U.K. It has the haskomos of leading mechanchim throughout the world. HaRav Aharon Yehoshua HaKohen Silber zt"l Last week, a large throng accompanied HaRav Aharon Yehoshua HaKohen Silber zt"l, one of the heads of London's kashrus system and the rov of London's Beis Medrash Ponevezh, on his last earthly journey. He was niftar in his 80th year after a severe illness. Nesivos Sholom-Nesivei Chinuch At every juncture in a Jew's life he has the opportunity to either build or destroy. Hence our prayers are turned heavenward. When laying the foundations of a new home one has to work hard from the very outset to insure that it continually grows and develops into a mikdash me'at. All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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