Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Kislev 5762 - November 28, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Tear Gas and an Electric Prod
by B. Kahn

Residents of the neighborhoods in the vicinity of Rechov Yechezkel have been campaigning against the Photo Alain store for many years. The storeowner, Elchanan Chakon, has been selling various movies for years to young people; some of them were obscene. Many were illegal copies. Many attempts were made by activists, residents, and local rabbonim to remove this scourge from the neighborhood, but they all came to nothing. Innocent young people continued to remain exposed to the terrible educational pitfalls of these movies.

Local rabbonim, led by HaRav Chaim Pinchos Sheinberg, called upon residents about a year ago to undertake all lawful measures to ensure that this abomination was removed from the chareidi neighborhood. Residents of the surrounding neighborhoods demonstrated many times demanding the closure of the store. However, the storeowner, a secular resident of Yerushalayim stubbornly refused, and each time used violent means against the demonstrators. Many attempts were made to get the storeowner to leave this chareidi area voluntarily, but none of the agreements were honored by him.

A private investigator from Amit Systems was hired to film the events in front of the store, since activists knew from long experience that no action was taken by police against the violent storeowner, despite repeated official complaints, as will be explained below.

Two weeks ago on Monday, two avreichim came to the store. The storeowner suddenly came out and hit the two avreichim who were standing quietly next to the store with his fists and also with an electric prod. That same day in the afternoon the storeowner attacked the avreichim again, spraying them with tear gas, and he called the police. The police and, predictably based on past experience, arrested the avreichim on the basis of the store owner's claim that he been "locked into" his store.

Unprecedented Backing From The Police

The violent storeowner received the astonishing backing of the Jerusalem police, which had stubbornly refused to cooperate with the activists and had even ignored warnings that the storeowner was selling and hiring out obscene material to chareidi youth against the law.

Two days later on Wednesday afternoon some demonstrators gathered next to the photo store on Rechov Yechezkel. A private investigator filmed the whole scene from the other side of Yechezkel Street. In the film, a copy of which was given to police, the storeowner is clearly seen running out of the store in a fury and threatening the two demonstrators, who refused to leave. One-and-a-half hours later a police patrol car arrived at the scene.

The storeowner is seen speaking to the police for a few minutes, and a few seconds later he started hitting the demonstrators. Next to him was another man: his son-in-law according to the police. One of the demonstrators, a local avreich, received blows covering his whole body from the storeowner and his son-in-law. The movie clearly shows the son-in-law grabbing the avreich's beard and trying to pull off his beard and payos.

Throughout this whole incident the movie shows the police standing only a meter away and doing nothing to stop the violent acts of the storeowner and his son-in-law. At that stage Rav Yehuda Samet zt"l, 71, a distinguished Toldos Aharon chossid, passed by on his way home from his morning seder. When he saw what was happening, he started pleading with the two men to stop behaving in such a brutal manner. The two of them then stopped beating the avreich and attacked the elderly man instead. They pushed him a few times, making him fall to the floor. He hit his head on the steps of the police patrol car, which was parked right there.

Murderous Blows In Front Of The Police

The police remained inside the patrol car, doing nothing to stop what already looked like murder to the cameras, even though the actual death only occurred a week later. The whole thing took no more than about four minutes.

During those critical seconds when Rav Samet lay on the sidewalk, with blood flowing from his head, the police still did not intervene against Chakon. Instead of arresting him on the spot they started attacking some people from the crowd that had gathered there. Some of them were arrested and later released.

When the storeowner realized what he had done, he went back into the store and locked and bolted the doors. Some of those present tried to stop the blood flowing from Rav Samet's head. They called an ambulance and Rav Samet was taken to Hadassah Har Hatzofim hospital. The open wound in his head was stitched up and he was sent on his way. As he was leaving the hospital he collapsed and lost consciousness.

He was then rushed to Hadassah Ein Karem hospital in critical condition, and his family did not leave his bedside. Last Thursday afternoon, a week later, he returned his soul to his Maker. Shortly after he passed away, when his widow heard the bitter news, she had a heart attack. The tzibbur is requested to daven for Soroh bas Chaya Frieda Yehudis.

A Bitter Community

The incident infuriated the residents of Yerushalayim. A man tries to break up a fight -- really the job of the police -- and is beaten severely, blows which turn out to have been murderous.

Chareidi MKs and activists demanded that the storeowner be arrested immediately. Shortly afterwards he was investigated by the police together with his son-in-law. The police were also presented with the movie taken by the private investigator. The storeowner was taken in but later released after feeling unwell in order to be taken to hospital. The following morning he was detained. The judge released him under restrictive conditions and forbade him to go near his store for one week.

While chareidi Jews are arrested for insignificant reasons or for taking part in demonstrations, the court set free a man who had behaved in the most brutal manner and ultimately caused the death of an innocent Jew.

On Thursday night hundreds of people gathered to demonstrate opposite the photo store on Rechov Yechezkel. That night the store, which had sold obscene movies to young people, was burned. However even after all that the main concern was to rid the neighborhood of that evil influence.

"The Police Will Draw Its Own Conclusions"

The Chairman of the Knesset Affairs Committee, MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni (UTJ), convened a special meeting of the Committee to discuss the grave incident at Rechov Yechezkel. The movie of the events was shown by the Chairman of the Finance Committee, MK Rabbi Yaakov Litzman (UTJ). The storeowner was clearly seen holding a gun in his hand (containing tear gas in all probability) and directing it towards passersby and demonstrators. He and his son-in-law were also seen using the electric prod and the gun against anybody who dared to come close to the store. The police's failure to lift a finger to stop this brutal behavior is evident, as are the brutal arrests of demonstrators.

The chareidi MKs argued that this was a dangerous and violent man who belongs in prison. MK Litzman said that it was not clear why the police did not arrest the storeowner immediately in order to prevent physical danger to demonstrators and passersby.

The police representative at the meeting, Deputy Inspector General Ilan Franko, Deputy Commandant of the Jerusalem police force, said that this was the first time he had seen these pictures and asked that they be transferred to police investigators (who already received the movie about a week earlier). Franko said that the police were preparing an indictment against the storeowner. "The police are investigating this whole affair and will draw the necessary conclusions."

We should point out that this topic was also discussed in the Knesset plenum in the context of urgent motions for the agenda.

Deputy Minister for Internal Security, Gidon Ezra, said that although this was a very grave incident, it was a local, limited one. "An intensive investigation into these events has been set up, and material is currently being examined pending the submission of an indictment against the storeowner. The storeowner was arrested and imprisoned. . . . The following day he was released by the court under the following restrictive conditions to which he agreed . . . A vehicle hired by the chareidim with a loudspeaker announced that the store had actually closed."

MK Ezra added, "The police investigation of these events is continuing and charges will be brought against those responsible. . . . The police will investigate the matter and draw conclusions about its methods of operation."

Thousands At The Funeral

Last Thursday afternoon Rav Samet passed away. In Yerushalayim a bitul melocho was announced for the duration of the levaya last Thursday, and all the stores in Geula and Meah Shearim were closed during the funeral, which started at 7:00 p.m. Many thousands gathered at Kikar Hashabbos to accompany Rav Yehuda Samet zt"l, who was murdered while protesting the sanctity of Yerushalayim.

MK Ravitz: "Inflammatory Statements and Secular Education are to be Blamed "

By E. Rauchberger

MK Avraham Ravitz told a Yated Ne'eman correspondent the following: "There are two aspects to this criminal act: first, this was a vile act of murder no less severe than the murder of Ghandi or of any other Jew. . . . Those responsible for upholding law and order did not consider it necessary to take simple measures against this murderer, which are taken against any murderer.

"The main thing we can learn from this shocking incident is that we are living in a society in which the blood of religious Jews is considered worthless. We should not be surprised by the lack of a response to this criminal act in the media or any reaction from the leaders of the nation, who have yet to denounce the murderer. This is the result of the secular education in this country. We shall see if anyone from the secular sector will beat their breasts and confess, as religious leaders were told to do after Rabin's assassination. We shall see if anyone has the courage to take responsibility for this rotten fruit of the secular education system.

"Certain MKs do not tire of their incitement against chareidim. This is their main party ideology and is its very raison d'etre. This terrible murder is a result of this incitement. These MKs and some of the media will have to account for their deeds, which led to this murder."

MK Gafni: "Full Force of the Law against the Murderer"

MK Gafni gave the following response: "First of all, I wish to express my condolences to the distinguished family.

"Jerusalem District Police Officer Commander Mickey Levy and Deputy Commander Ilan Franko promised me both in the Home Affairs Committee and in private conversations to deal harshly with the storeowner for his acts of violence. I have to point out that one of the members of this Committee, MK Yosef Paritzky, did not consider it appropriate to offer even one word of denunciation against this vile act of hooliganism, which brought about the death of a Jew who did no harm to anybody. Instead he found it fit to continue his incitement against the chareidi population: the same incitement, which led to such terrible results."

Rav Yehuda Leib Shlomo Samet zt"l

By Betzalel Kahn

Rav Yehuda Leib Shlomo Samet zt"l was born in the summer of 5690 (1930) in Yerushalayim to Rav Yoel zt"l and Gittel Zelda o"h. Yehuda Leib was a grandson of HaRav Osher Zelig Margolios zt"l, one of the distinguished personalities of Yerushalayim.

In his youth he learnt in the talmud Torah Shomrei Hachomos and afterwards in Kamenetz Yeshiva. From early on his considerable talents were recognized by all.

He married the daughter of Rav Pinchas Saltzman zt"l, a prominent Karliner chossid. Throughout his life he worked for a living. He set up the slaughterhouse in Meah Shearim. About half a year ago, after the slaughterhouse was closed on the instructions of the municipality, he decided not to give in, and turned to all the chareidi activists in the municipality demanding that they obtain a permit for it to be reopened. He pointed out that many residents of Meah Shearim made a special point of shechting in this slaughterhouse instead of going to places further away.

Many years ago in 5718 (1958) during the campaign to preserve the Rambam's grave in Tiveria when some people wanted to dig underneath the grave, he traveled to the northern town and stayed there for two full weeks to make sure that no one touched the grave. He did not budge from the town until the danger was averted. Several years later when it was proposed to set up a secular club very close to Meah Shearim, he went to demonstrate against this proposal, and even sat in prison for half a year together with HaRav Binyomin Rabinowitz, a member of the Badatz of the Eida HaChareidis.

He was a happy and kindhearted man, and his friends loved to be in his company. He set up a series of morning shiurim in the Toldos Aharon Beis Hamedrash in Meah Shearim. He would phone all the participants every morning to wake them up and come to the shiur. Afterwards he made everybody cups of hot coffee.

Last year his father Rav Yoel Samet passed away. About a month ago at the end of the year of aveilus he decided to write a Sefer Torah leiluy nishmoso, but, unfortunately, he was not zocheh to see this through.

Having married off his seven children, he spent most of his day over the last few years in the Lutzk kollel. He had chavrusas for all three sedorim.

Two weeks ago on Wednesday, after morning seder, he passed Rechov Yechezkel on his way home, where he protested against the presence of a store and tried to separate between the violent storeowner and an avreich who had come to demonstrate, but the storeowner threw him to the ground and injured him. Last Thursday he passed away.

He leaves behind a widow, who is in need of rachamei shomayim after suffering a heart attack last Thursday, four sons: Rav Mordechai Yitzchok, Rav Pinchos, Rav Aharon and Rav Yaakov Zvi; three daughters married to talmidei chachomim and grandchildren all following their grandfather's derech in Torah and yir'oh.


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