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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. As Purim approaches, we think it appropriate to warn the public of the essential and stringent mitzvah of self preservation, "Venishmartem lenafshoseichem," to see to it that during these days, the public be very vigilant about road and traffic safety, a message applying to both drivers and pedestrians. Worthy, concerned rabbonim, including Rabbi Zev Kashash and heads of Ichud Hatzolah, devoted in their vital work, have brought to the public attention the many serious cases of accidents occurring especially during these days of Purim because of the danger inherent therein.The Rambam writes in Hilchos Dei'os (Perek 4): "Since a healthy and wholesome body is one of the ways of Hashem, since one who is ill cannot understand and think properly, therefore a person must distance himself from those things which damage the body, and comport himself in those things which keep him well and fit..."
Preparation for the Upcoming Convention of Communal Activists About Bein Hazmanim
Rain and Kinneret Watch
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
From Our Archives
At the King's Feast - Purim Insights Heard at HaRav Yitzchok Hutner's Table
HaRav Hutner zt'l, shared the profound thoughts that follow at the Purim seudos that he held each year with his talmidim. They are taken from notes made by one of the talmidim who shared them with us. They contain deep ideas that require reflection to fully appreciate and absorb, and whose impact will ultimately depend on the reader's own level. In truth, a more authoritative editing would have been in place before bringing teachings that were originally conveyed to a small, select circle to a wider public, but on Purim justification perhaps exists for presenting them as best we can.
"I Was Together With Gedolei Yisroel on Purim, and Not One of Them Became Drunk"
The sixth volume in the series of the book known as Meir Einei Yisroel was released some time ago. Its 800 pages spread before us a vast and amazing tapestry of information, both in quantity and quality, which incorporates facts and practices from the lives of our Saba Kadisha, Maran the Chofetz Chaim zy'a, culled from those who were in his proximity during festivals and seasonal occasions. A wealth of description is presented from those who visited him, alongside hundreds of facts that span seventeen chapters in the wide spectrum of his avodas Hashem. All this and more, enhanced by hundreds of photographs, documents and letters, many of which appear there for the first time in print. This huge volume constitutes an additional tier to the five preceding volumes in this series, which thousands here and abroad have hailed as being of indescribable value.
A Taste of the Purim of Yore
by C. Ofek
A box of fancy chocolates? A colorful straw basket shaped like a duck? An expensive pewter tray? A band like Tzlilei Ranena or Tzivta? Today Purim is associated with external signs based on koso, kiso vekaaso. And the Purim of yesteryear? The variety of ways to celebrate Purim was as numerous as the number of Diaspora communities. The following is a look at Purims that are now a thing of the past.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants