Daas Torah on Mammography
The Rambam writes in Hilchos Dei'os (Perek 4): "Since a healthy and wholesome body is one of the ways of Hashem, since one who is ill cannot understand and think properly, therefore a person must distance himself from those things which damage the body, and comport himself in those things which keep him well and fit..."
On the 20th of Iyar, 57761, the gedolei hador stated their opinion that a mammography test can prevent serious diseases in women, and we should follow the guidance of experts in this matter and undergo this test from the age of fifty and up. This statement was signed by HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv and HaRav S. Wosner, as well as ylct"a by HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman and HaRav Nissim Karelitz.
Several years later, when the importance and necessity of undergoing this test to prevent diseases was learned to be all the more vital, so that we have come again to reinforce the words of our rabbonim as explicit daas Torah, that every woman from fifty and up must undergo an examination every two years, both by a doctor and by mammography, to prevent disease. If in the opinion of the experts there is a need for additional examinations, these should be performed. In the case of women for whom there are medical reasons to perform the tests before this time, this should be done according to the advice of experts. This is within the general obligation to take the steps to preserve one's health.
We pray that we be privy to the blessing that "every disease with which I have inflicted on Egypt, I will not bring upon you because I am Hashem your Healer."
We have hereby signed:
Yitzchok Zilberstein
Moshe Shaul Klein
Shimon Baadani
Sariel Rosenberg
It seems that since these days it is common that there is a danger, one should not rely on, "Shomer peso'im Hashem" and it is proper to be careful to do an examination when it is still possible to take corrective steps.
I hereby anticipate abundant rachamei Shomayim.
Moshe Shternbuch