As Purim approaches, we think it appropriate to warn the public of the essential and stringent mitzvah of self preservation, "Venishmartem lenafshoseichem," to see to it that during these days, the public be very vigilant about road and traffic safety, a message applying to both drivers and pedestrians. Worthy, concerned rabbonim, including Rabbi Zev Kashash and heads of Ichud Hatzolah, devoted in their vital work, have brought to the public attention the many serious cases of accidents occurring especially during these days of Purim because of the danger inherent therein.
We hereby wish to inform the public that one who drives after fulfilling the mitzvah of the day of drinking alcoholic beverages, even if only a small quantity (as has been proven that even a little goes a long way in befuddling one's senses), and/or one who drives while he is fatigued which is also prevalent on this day, is considered close to being a meizid, a willful transgressor, who is in danger of causing literal murder and bloodshed ch'v. All the mitzvos of the Torah are nullified in the face of preserving life, and this surely applies to this instance.
It is also important to warn against excessive drinking by youth, which has also ended up in sakanas nefashos and serious injury. It is obligatory for elders to be on guard for the sake of the body and soul of their children.
May it be Hashem's will that in the merit of our commitment to Torah and its guidelines out of love, as was done in those days of yore, that Hashem shower us with the eternal salvation.
Yitzchok Zilberstein
Sariel Rosenberg
Yehuda Silman
Menachem Mendel HaKohen Shafran
Naftoli Nussbaum
Shamai HaKohen Gross
Yisroel Berger
We join the above signatories
Chaim Kanievsky
Shimon Baadani
(Note: We could not read all the signatures.)