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Organizing the Bein Hazmanim for Bnei Yeshivos
Responding to the call of Torah leaders, hundreds of communal activists from all over the country gathered to participate in a unique and precedent-setting meeting of the First Annual National Committee of Bnei Hayeshivos to bolster and establish a new structure for yeshiva students in every community, and create a bond between avreichim and yeshiva students to be maintained throughout the year as well, especially on Shabbosos and yomim tovim, during those times when the young students are not within the walls of their yeshivos and thus lack guidance, structure, and a supportive connection.
National Degel HaTorah Conference Next Week
Preparations for the upcoming Third National Degel HaTorah Conference which will take place next week in the Tzipori Bakfar Hotel at Kibbutz Chofetz Chaim are in full swing. Attending will be all the representatives of Degel HaTorah and its activists throughout the country. The conference will be headed by Torah leadership, roshei yeshivos, members of the Vaadas HaRabbonim of Degel HaTorah and its Knesset representatives.
Decline in Emergency Calls on Purim
Heightened awareness of all sectors of Torah true Jewry promoted by Torah leaders has brought to the preservation of lives and a considerable decrease in emergency cases during the Purim, with the public obeying implicitly the halachic rulings which the eminent halachic authorities established and publicized regarding the heightened duty to be vigilant in traffic safety, both for pedestrians and drivers during these Purim days.
Rain and Kinneret Watch
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
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Opinion and Comment
After Your Enemy Falls . . .
An adaptation of the sichos of HaRav Chaim Dov Altusky, Shlita
In Pirkei Ovos (4:19), Shmuel Hakoton quotes the posuk, "When your enemy falls, do not be happy. And when he falters, your heart should not be filled with happiness: for the Ribono Shel Olom may look into your heart and see how happy you are over the fall of your enemy. And He will not like what He sees in your heart. And then Hashem will withdraw His anger from your enemy" (Mishlei 24:17,18).
Opinion and Comment
In Costume
a Purim story by N. Beer
Who says that a person does what he wants?
Who determined that one only does what one is obligated to do?
Sometimes, perhaps even often, you do things, or make decisions, because you have to, because `everyone' is doing it, and simply, quite simply, because you have no alternative . . .
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I -
Should I?
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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