Dei'ah veDibur - Information &

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21 Adar II 5776 - March 31, 2016 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Organizing the Bein Hazmanim for Bnei Yeshivos

By Yechiel Sever

Responding to the call of Torah leaders, hundreds of communal activists from all over the country gathered to participate in a unique and precedent-setting meeting of the First Annual National Committee of Bnei Hayeshivos to bolster and establish a new structure for yeshiva students in every community, and create a bond between avreichim and yeshiva students to be maintained throughout the year as well, especially on Shabbosos and yomim tovim, during those times when the young students are not within the walls of their yeshivos and thus lack guidance, structure, and a supportive connection.

This convention, long in the making, is being organized by worthy and devoted avreichim who are voluntarily toiling day and night for the sake of yeshiva students upon the urgent appeal of gedolei Yisrael that this is a vital necessity to uplift the youth in their Torah study and connection. The point is to organize social structures for the yeshiva students when they are at home and outside the yeshiva, on Shabbosos and especially during bein hazmanim.

The opening address was delivered by HaRav David Cohen, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron and member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, in which he dwelled upon the inherent dangers facing Torah students outside the walls of the beis medrash.

"Today, when a yeshiva bochur is outside the walls of the yeshiva on Shabbosos and bein hazmanim, danger lurks in every corner, especially when he lacks the support and assistance of frameworks and neighborhood organizations which provide the interconnection and moral support.

"Therefore, at these times, it is imperative to establish structures which encourage them through pleasant atmospheres to maintain the levels they have achieved while in yeshiva, even when they are not within the confines of their yeshiva environment." He added that it is incumbent on all avreichim to devote a tenth of their time for the benefit of the young yeshiva students.

The hundreds of participants enthusiastically received the eminent roshei yeshiva, HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch and HaRav Shalom Cohen, who ardently endorsed the excellent efforts being done on behalf of yeshiva students.

HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael and member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, said in his speech, "It is an obligation to follow the educational principles of the Saba of Slobodka who urged his married students to encourage the bochurim to fully utilize their powers and talents and to strengthen their self esteem in reaching higher and higher, through moral support and creating a feeling of satisfaction and joy in their growth."

HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rosh Yeshivas Slobodka and member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, dwelled upon the idea that, "the important advantage of kehillos lies in the fact that a student coming home from yeshiva is necessarily leaving the circle of a steady daily structure. At times, a bochur may have social difficulties in `finding himself' or lacking a connection with his yeshiva mentors, a fact conducive to despondency and lack of self direction."

HaRav Shalom Cohen, Rosh Yeshivat Porat Yosef, said, among other messages, "From my experience in yeshiva, many students who went home were necessarily severed from the beis medrash atmosphere, and upon their return, they were all but unrecognizable."


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