National Degel HaTorah Conference Next Week
By Yechiel Sever
Preparations for the upcoming Third National Degel HaTorah Conference which will take place next week in the Tzipori Bakfar Hotel at Kibbutz Chofetz Chaim are in full swing. Attending will be all the representatives of Degel HaTorah and its activists throughout the country. The conference will be headed by Torah leadership, roshei yeshivos, members of the Vaadas HaRabbonim of Degel HaTorah and its Knesset representatives.
The keynote session will take place next Tuesday, the 26th of Adar II, with the full turnout of gedolei HaTorah and roshei yeshivos who will address the public, which will include heads of kollelim, who bear the heavy load of Torah maintenance in our generations under the direction of the Torah leaders of the generation. Also addressing the audience will be the chairman of Vaad Hayeshivos, HaRav Chaim Aharon Kaufman.