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A Window into the Chareidi World

3 Nisan 5774 - April 3, 2014 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly

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The Center of the Universe
At The Center of the Universe
by Mordechai Plaut

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Bnei Yeshivos Gatherings

Per request of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, with the conclusion of the winter session and the beginning of the Pesach break, a gathering of all Bnei Yeshiva has been called for the upcoming motzei Shabbos parshas Metzora in every chareidi location to reinforce Torah study and preserve its character, especially in these hectic days when toil in Torah is being neglected and the Torah world is being viciously harassed and persecuted.

Contributing to Charity Might be Construed as Bribery

A ruling of a regional court determined among other things that Yad Sarah received donations for the sick and needy as a form of bribery to the former Jerusalem Mayor, Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky, chairman and founder of the famous relief organization Yad Sarah, in exchange for aid in promoting the Holyland project.

Announcement Regarding Impurity of Kohanim

After establishing an additional route for the Ben Gurion airport, the instances of flights traveling over the Holon cemetery have substantially decreased.

Chief Rabbi of Iran: HaRav Yosef Hamdani zt"l

The Jewish community in Iran was in deep mourning with the death of its Chief Rabbi, HaRav Yosef Hamdani Cohen zt"l, who passed away during Shabbos parshas Tazria. The funeral took place on Sunday with the attendance of the members of the kehilla. He was brought to rest in the Jewish cemetery, Bahashtiya, in the capital Teheran.

Treblinka Gas Chambers Discovered

Archaeologist researchers at the Treblinka Death Camp publicized the end of last week in Britain that they found the first traces of gas chambers on that site. In a documentary film shown on the Smithsonian channel, the archaeologists claimed that they also found the site of three mass graves. This discovery is very significant in the light of the fact that the Nazis hardly left a single trace of the camp after the revolt of the prisoners which took place in 1943, and only the few survivors remained.

Rain and Kinneret Watch

Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.

HaRav Zvi Elimelech Shapiro of Bluzhov

In honor of his yahrtzeit, 5 Nisan (5684)

Reb Zvi Elimelech was renowned for his gadlus in Torah and many are the anecdotes depicting his sharp mind and power of concentration.

From Our Archives

Opinion and Comment
Understanding Leil HaSeder

by HaRav Shimshon Pincus, zt'l

This is a three-part series that we originally published over three years in our Pesach issue. The first appeared in the Pesach issue of 5762, the second in the Pesach issue of 5763 and the third in the Pesach issue of 5764. Here are the links to the entire series.

HaRav Shimshon Pincus zt"l was killed, along with his wife and daughter, in a tragic car accident one year ago on the 13th of Nisan. In addition to being the rov of the kehilla of Ofakim, Israel, HaRav Pincus lectured and participated in seminars throughout the world. The following article is taken from a taped lecture "Leil HaSeder" that he delivered in the U.S. before Pesach two years ago.

Opinion and Comment
Understanding Leil HaSeder

by HaRav Shimshon Pincus, zt"l


The Leil HaSeder is a very special night. There is a saying of tzaddikim that the Leil HaSeder gives a seder for the entire year. If we experience the Leil HaSeder properly, it's a wonderful experience. It can make a revolution within us and in our attachment to Hashem.

Opinion and Comment
Understanding Leil HaSeder

HaRav Shimshon Pincus zt"l was killed, along with his wife and daughter, in a tragic car accident on the 12th of Nisan, 5761. In addition to being the rov of the kehilla of Ofakim, Israel, HaRav Pincus lectured and participated in seminars throughout the world. The following article is taken from a taped lecture "Leil HaSeder" that he delivered in the U.S. before Pesach 5760.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)

May-July, 2005


The Message of an Earthquake

A Mission to Spread Daas Torah

Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit

C an I - Should I?

The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants

More Editorials . . .

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