Rain and Kinneret Watch
by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
As of April 3 (3 Nisan) 409 millimeters of rain had fallen in the Jerusalem area during the current season (August 1 to date). This represents 80% of the average rainfall for this period and 76% of the average rainfall for the entire season in the Jerusalem area which is 537 mm. Generally speaking, Jerusalem's rainfall has been on the high side compared to other parts of Israel and especially the north in the Kinneret drainage basin.
The current level of the Kinneret is a higher this week at -211.01 meters below sea level, which is less than two meters above the lower red line of -213 meters. The level rose 0.005 centimeters in the past week. It is just over two meters from the upper red line of -208.8 meters.