Rededication in Yeshivos to Torah Study and Organized Prayers
The regular study sessions in the yeshivos are witnessing a remarkable rededication, while special prayers have also been organized in many communities for the salvation of Klal Yisroel in view of the threatening situation in Eretz Yisroel, as many cities and towns in the south are being ceaselessly bombarded. It is hoped that the renewed fervor of study and prayer will invoke Hashem's mercy for his people so that He protect us from all danger.
Operation Iron [Wedding] Canopy
In an unprecedented logistic operation, a luxurious and spacious wedding hall has just been opened on Rechov Shlomo Hamelech in Bnei Brak, especially for residents from the South, who will be able to hold their festivities there for free.
"Ibaneh" — New Umbrella Organization for Singles
The Bonei Olam organization has just formed a new branch for singles, Ibaneh. The parent organization is world famous for helping childless couples through support and medical referrals to the top specialists in the field, both in Israel and throughout the world.
Chareidi Cities Host Families from the South
Bnei Brak: Rabbi Yaakov Asher, Mayor of Bnei Brak, tells, "We have communicated guidelines to all educational institutions to accept children from southern cities, alongside which we must cope with a difficult problem since we have now changed status from an absorbing city to a city under attack. We have 16 kindergartens which are located in caravans, and which have therefore had to be relocated to protected facilities. At first, we began planning afternoon activities for the children, but have had to stop our plans because we cannot take the risk of the welfare and safety of hundreds of children gathering for activities in places which do not have a safe shelter.
A Letter from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky
Rabi Shimon may be relied upon in times of need (Brochos 9a) and Rabi Shimon is brought down in Sifrei Eikev (38) saying: It is not a Kiddush Hashem if the words of tzaddikim are fulfilled during their lifetimes and not after their death (and it cannot be thus), and therefore, when the Chazon Ish zt"l said that in Bnei Brak no bombs would fall, as testified by HaRav Elozor Tzodok Turchin zt"l, this will surely be fulfilled today and there is no reason whatsoever to fear.
Chaim Kanievsky
Letter from HaRav Moshe Eliashiv on Sunday 4 Kislev, 5773
I was told that a newspaper banned by my father, Rabban shel Yisroel, published an interview with me.
The Shevet Sofer HaGaon Reb Simcha Bunim Sofer, zt"l, of Pressburg
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 15th Kislev
Before he was twenty years old, the accomplishments attributed to R' Simcha Bunim Sofer were widely acclaimed.