Chareidi Cities Host Families from the South
By Y. Sheinfeld
Bnei Brak: Rabbi Yaakov Asher, Mayor of Bnei Brak, tells, "We have communicated guidelines to all educational institutions to accept children from southern cities, alongside which we must cope with a difficult problem since we have now changed status from an absorbing city to a city under attack. We have 16 kindergartens which are located in caravans, and which have therefore had to be relocated to protected facilities. At first, we began planning afternoon activities for the children, but have had to stop our plans because we cannot take the risk of the welfare and safety of hundreds of children gathering for activities in places which do not have a safe shelter.
Beit Shemesh: Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg, deputy mayor of Beit Shemesh, tells that "in the wake of the situation and in light of the instructions established by security factors, the emergency municipal headquarters of Beit Shemesh, headed by Mayor Rabbi Moshe Abutbul, met together with me and other city officials. We all were given a briefing by army officials, among them, the commander of and representatives of Home Front Command regarding preparedness in view of recent developments."
Beitar: Rabbi Yosef Shetreet, Deputy Mayor of Beitar Illit, informs, "Right before last Shabbos, we absorbed a large number of families from the south, hosted by local families per request of military headquarters. On Erev Shabbos, we were asked by these guest families to switch off the siren which heralds in the Shabbos so as not to frighten the children. We reassured them that we didn't have a siren
— only pleasant music."