A Letter from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky
BE"H 4 Kislev 5773
Rabi Shimon may be relied upon in times of need (Brochos 9a) and Rabi Shimon is brought down in Sifrei Eikev (38) saying: It is not a Kiddush Hashem if the words of tzaddikim are fulfilled during their lifetimes and not after their death (and it cannot be thus), and therefore, when the Chazon Ish zt"l said that in Bnei Brak no bombs would fall, as testified by HaRav Elozor Tzodok Turchin zt"l, this will surely be fulfilled today and there is no reason whatsoever to fear.
Chaim Kanievsky
HaRav Chaim Kanievsky's original letter as it appeared in Yated Ne'eman, next to a picture showing the effect of shrapnel that fell from a successful interception by the Iron Dome system.