The Bonei Olam organization has just formed a new branch for singles, Ibaneh. The parent organization is world famous for helping childless couples through support and medical referrals to the top specialists in the field, both in Israel and throughout the world.
The purpose of Ibaneh is carried out by creating a direct line with the girls, from the seminary up till establishing a new home, lest a dangerous gap, a spiritual vacuum, set in when the happy result is not yet realized. This is achieved by the creation of this umbrella organization which embraces every girl who has left seminary and has not yet found her mate.
The new organization was founded with the blessing of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman. Its spiritual administration consists of HaRav Mordechai Kaufman and HaRav Moshe Einhorn, while their female counterpart is Rebbetzin C. Shimmel. The official establishment of the organization took place in the Rosh Yeshiva's home.
In one of his recent visits with the Rosh Yeshiva in his home, Rabbi Shlomo Bochner, founder and head of Bonei Olam, discussed several issues and received advice on important matters. Maran the Rosh Yeshiva told him, "Is it not written that whoever prays for another is answered first? Thus, if childless couples were to pray for girls whose shidduchim are being held up, and those girls pray for the barren couples, it should truly be mutually beneficial."