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Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Meets on Urgent Issues and to
Select Knesset Candidate
The members of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, headed by the
Rosh Yeshiva, Maran HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, met
this past Monday for a unique gathering in the latter's
home to discuss topical issues facing the chareidi
public. Foremost on the agenda was the critical battle
in preventing army mobilization for bnei yeshiva.
Similarly important was the need to preserve and
increase the political clout of the United Torah Jewry
party in the upcoming elections while buttressing the
firm foundations of Yiddishkeit, especially during
these trying times when our public is being persecuted
and so horribly vilified by secular bodies attempting
to strike at us from outside and inside, and to harm
Torah scholars. The Moetzes also designated the third
candidate on the Degel HaTorah list who will be in the
sixth position in the United Torah Judaism list.
Remarks of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman at the Meeting
of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
Chazal say that four things require chizuk, one of
which is Torah study, which needs reinforcement from
within and from the outside. We are now dealing with
the threat from the outside. In our days it is known
that from time to time there are harsh decrees, which
should not succeed, chas vesholom.
Tremendous Arousal Following Women's Rally to Fortify
Walls of Taharoh
Many positive repercussions and a pronounced arousal
reverberate throughout the ranks of Torah-true Jewry
following the motzei Shabbos rally attended by tens of
thousands of women via live broadcast from the Armonot
Chein hall in Bnei Brak to over 100 locations
throughout Eretz Yisroel. The massive turnout was a
response to the call of gedolei Yisroel, headed by
HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, to rally unto Hashem, as
with the historic cry of `Mi laShem eilai' in fighting
the disastrous inroads to the Torah camp caused by the
dangers of modern technological devices. This, they
declared, was a holy war for the soul at this difficult
hour of devastating spiritual destruction.
HaRav Rubin: About the Internet and How to Deal with It
HaRav Yitzchok Mordechai HaCohen Rubin, rav and motz of the Bnei Torah Kehilloh in Har Nof and a dayan in the Beis Din of HaRav Nissim Karelitz gave practical advice and guidelines.
Vital Information from Net-Out, World Headquarters for
Severance from Internet
1. By public demand, we have succeeded in establishing
a guidance line for all Internet problems, ranging from
spiritual and educational counselling (separate for
men/women) to technical counselling provided by
qualified advisors, educators etc. who can be reached
at 1-59-950-2200 and following the recorded
instructions for choosing the desired service.
90th Agudah Convention to Focus on Communal
For decades, Agudath Israel's National Convention has
been a place where Torah-true Jews gather to work
together, under the direction of Gedolei Yisroel, on
serious community issues. The convention is a source of
action and innovation and has been the birthplace of
many organizations and programs, such as Shuvu, Be'er
Hagolah, Professional Career Service, Emergency
Parnossoh Initiative, Project Y.E.S, Agudath Israel's
Torah Education Network, the Jewish Education Program
and more.
The Tiferes Yisroel Shul in the Jewish Quarter will be
The Planning Committee of the City of Jerusalem
approved a plan to restore and renovate that Tiferes
Yisroel shul in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of
Rabbi Binyomin Shlomo zt"l, known to all as Reb Zalman
Spitzer, was the scion of a distinguished family,
boasting gedolei Torah such as HaRav Avigdor Karo zt"l
of Prague. He could trace his ancestry to the Tanna Reb
Nechunyah Ben HaKoneh.
From Our
One time there was a fatal accident on Shabbos, and
Maran the Brisker Rov zt"l remarked that Shabbos was
collecting its debt. His talmidim asked: Aren't there
traffic accidents all week? To which the Rov replied:
There are many causes for traffic accidents. But when
one happens on Shabbos, there is no need to search for
the cause of that accident, for its cause is clear and
evident to all.
Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and