Chazal say that four things require chizuk, one of
which is Torah study, which needs reinforcement from
within and from the outside. We are now dealing with
the threat from the outside. In our days it is known
that from time to time there are harsh decrees, which
should not succeed, chas vesholom.
Boruch Hashem, the numbers of Torah scholars have
increased, and our yeshivos are filled with young
students who want to learn Torah, including some whose
parents would not have sent them to yeshiva in the
past. The study benches have increased, boruch Hashem,
but on the other hand there are difficulties and this
is in matters of principle over which we must fight the
government. We certainly do not refer to improper means
but just to entreat and to stand firmly on our
principles and to pray for Heavenly mercy. We must do
our best not to provoke them in the same manner that we
are forbidden to provoke the nations of the world in
any way. We must also not provoke people who do not
have the proper hashkofoh.
We must therefore assure that there is a proper
representation in the Knesset. Boruch Hashem up to know
we have had representatives who have worked and
conducted themselves honestly and well. In truth it is
because of this that they been able to succeed many
times. We must, nevertheless, stand alert, in sustained
vigil and we can never say we have already succeeded.
We must constantly fight against all sorts of decrees
that chas vesholom the secular public which doesn't
understand [our ways] and tries to pass decrees against
Torah and its laws, as, for example, on issues of
conversion, purity of education and many more. We must
continually stand on guard.
We have, boruch Hashem, to date, succeeded as much as
possible to rein things in a bit so that the decrees
will not be so harsh but we continue to require great
Heavenly mercy. Therefore, as the elections approach,
we have to work hard for success so that true
representatives will enter [the Knesset] who will
protect Torah and mitzvos, and we must add new
representatives to the old representatives who are good
and appropriate men. We hope that Rabbi Yaakov Asher,
who is the representative we plan to add and who is
currently serving as mayor of Bnei Brak, how is a good
man and ehrlich, who administers his city wisely
and peacefully and we hope that also in the Knesset he
will be a good representative who will add honor to
chareidi Jewry.
May Hashem help us and fortify our representatives with
the strength so that chas vesholom there will be no
evil done to Torah and to the laws of Torah. That
everything will be kehalochoh in conversion,
shmittah and so on. That people will be able to fulfill
everything kedas ukedin. We must know that we
have to continue to successfully haul the wagon until
the coming of Moshiach. And HaKodosh Boruch Hu will
help and we will be successful.
Boruch Hashem over the years, great Torah scholars have
come from the yeshivas, who have authored important
works, and Torah has increased amongst Jewry. May
Hashem continue to help us likewise in the future, that
Torah and its students will increase, and this will
make HaKodosh Boruch Hu happy. This is His will, may He
be blessed, and this is the goal we hope to achieve,
be'eizer Hashem, and those who try to interfere
with Torah with their decrees will not succeed. In that
Torah increases more and more we will merit the true
Redemption, speedily and in our times. Amen, selah."
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