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Brooklyn Kinus in Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy - Agudah Convention Postponed
Under the direction of Gedolei Yisroel, Agudah Yisroel of American announced that they are postponing their 90th National Convention, which had been scheduled to take place 8 Kislev-11 Kislev (November 22-25). The new date for the Convention, including a special commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Agudas Yisroel, is 15 Teves-17 Teves (December 28-30).
The Convention of Elected Chareidi Officials in the Nir Etzion Hotel
The convention, taking place in Hotel Nir Etzion, was organized by the local government center and opened with a vosikin minyan, additional minyanim and then followed by a Daf Yomi shiur delivered by HaRav Yisroel Moshe Friedman, director of Toda'a, which organizes hundreds of daily shiurim throughout the country. The convention brings together elected representatives of the chareidi community from all over Israel.
Thousands Attend the First National Convention of Dirshu in the U.S.
Many thousands from the length and breadth of America gathered this past motzei Shabbos parshas Chayei Soroh to culminate a bonding Shabbos replete with shiurim and addresses of spiritual chizuk, as part of the first National Convention of the Dirshu International Organization for the Dissemination of Torah. Among these thousands of guests who attended the convention were many Torah Yidden and avreichim from distant and remote states from across the U.S.
Media in France Continues to Spread the Anti-Semitic Hatred of the Toulouse Murderer
The M6 French Broadcasting System devoted an entire hour to in effect disseminating the anti-Semitic hatred of Muhammed Marakh, murderer of the Jewish children in Toulouse, by interviewing his family as a news feature on the subject, "What brought Marakh to do what he did?"
Sound of Torah Heard Throughout Yeshivos and Kollelim of Netivot
The rocket which fell in the center of Netivot this past Monday caused damage in the surrounding area. This was just a prelude and cause of the major operation launched by the Israeli Army on Wednesday night.
Gedolei Yisroel Again Protest the "News Lines"
The leading gedolei Yisroel have called the public attention again to the serious public nuisance of the News Lines, which are replete with loshon hora, gossip mongering and outright lies, defamation, quarrel mongering and shameful low level chatter which are ruining the souls of our young generation.
Fifty Years Since the Passing of HaRav Aharon Kotler
Lakewood, New Jersey, is in a flurry of preparations for the upcoming fiftieth yahrtzeit of the great leader who established Torah in America, HaRav Aharon Kotler, which falls on the 2nd of Kislev. There is heightened excitement and activity in this biggest Torah center in the world, Yeshivas Beis Medrash Govoha, to commemorate the events that will take place, with the participation of his outstanding disciples, the gedolei Torah of today, disseminators of Torah and mussar, coming from all over America and Eretz Yisroel. Among the honored guests from Eretz Yisroel will be HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rosh Yeshivas Slobodka; HaRav Hillel Zacks, Rosh Yeshivas Knesses Hagedola of Modi'in Illit, and HaRav Shalom Shechter, Rosh Yeshivas Ner Moshe of Yerushalayim.
Bug Free Vegetables Have No Excessive Pesticides
Contrary to various public accusations, the vegetables under the supervision of the Mehadrin Kashrus Committees to eliminate infestation also bear the certification of the Health Ministry of not going beyond the permissible percentage of pesticides. Their special bug-free nature is due to the special growing conditions that are used and not to excessive use of pesticides.
Tens of Thousands Expected in Central Shuls in a Rare Women's Rally
Guided by the ruling of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, tens of thousands of women are expected to attend a massive rally against the threats of these times, to be held on motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach, the eve of Kislev 18th, and to be broadcast live. Rather than converge on a central location, the participants will go to central shuls throughout the country.
"Just to look at the picture of Reb Boruch Ber," his greatest talmidim claimed, "is to behold a reflection of what the Rosh Yeshiva was. The yiras Shomayim that emanates from the portrait says it all."
From Our
The economic system of the modern world is based on greed: everyone is always supposed to try to make as much money as he or she can. Since, if something is scarce its price will rise, all resources will always be employed in the most efficient way as they chase the greater profits brought about by those high prices. This system is by far the most successful at creating great wealth.
This series recounts the trials and tribulations of the Jews of Bukhara, from the perspective of Shulamit Tilayov, a Jerusalem-born woman who spent twenty years of her youth in Bukhara. At the age of four she returned to Bukhara with her parents for a short stay, but due to the Bolshevik Revolution and World War I, their visit turned into a two-decade sojourn. Ms. Tilayov's memories paint a picture of Bukhara's splendor and the tremendous mesirus nefesh required to observe Torah and mitzvos under the Communist regime. Through a series of miracles, she had the merit to return to the Holy City and to Shechunat HaBucharim, the neighborhood her grandfather, Rav Shimon Chacham, helped establish years earlier.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants