Media in France Continues to Spread the Anti-Semitic Hatred of the Toulouse Murderer
By Arnon Jaffe, Paris
The M6 French Broadcasting System devoted an entire hour to in effect disseminating the anti-Semitic hatred of Muhammed Marakh, murderer of the Jewish children in Toulouse, by interviewing his family as a news feature on the subject, "What brought Marakh to do what he did?"
Jewish organizations in Toulouse protested the presentation of this program which foments the desire for revenge within its Arab suburbs, and incites anti-Semitic sentiments and arouses support for terrorism and murder of Jews. This program also voiced support to the murder and justification thereof from his Islamic sister living in their Arab quarter of Toulouse.
A delegation of 10 French imam clergy from the suburb mosques of Toulouse, visiting in Israel as guests of the government, denounced the program. "It was not right to allow the Moslems who praise murderers like Marakh to spread hatred and anti-Semitism through the media," said the imam of St. Denis, Shilgumi, head of the delegation to Israel. "They do not reflect the quiet majority of Moslems in France." He added, "We want to dissolve the tension between Jews and Moslems in France. The Moslems must be made to know that the Israel-Palestine conflict is not religious but political."