Many thousands from the length and breadth of America gathered this past motzei Shabbos parshas Chayei Soroh to culminate a bonding Shabbos replete with shiurim and addresses of spiritual chizuk, as part of the first National Convention of the Dirshu International Organization for the Dissemination of Torah. Among these thousands of guests who attended the convention were many Torah Yidden and avreichim from distant and remote states from across the U.S.
Thousands of Dirshu members who take the monthly Dirshu exams basked, in the course of the Shabbos, in the many addresses of chizuk and arousal, as well as in incisive Torah shiurim, delivered by the gedolei Torah who spent the Shabbos there as honored guests. At the end of the memorable Shabbos, thousands of Jews came pouring in from all over the U.S., transported in dozens of busses, to join in a massive Dirshu-sponsored Melave Malka.
The spiritually packed Shabbos programs served to bond together all the participants, and also to the added many thousands who joined for the grand Melave Malka. The many gedolei Torah and roshei yeshiva guests hailed the uniqueness of Dirshu which operates in every community to disseminate and encourage Torah study through its various study programs of gemara and halacha — this constituting the one and only objective of Dirshu throughout the world.
Many remarked that the very fact of the convention, Dirshu's first in the U.S., was a major milestone reflecting the development and flourishing of Torah throughout America in general, and of Dirshu's very significant role in furthering Torah study there and throughout so many countries in the world. The event lasted till well after midnight, its participants enriched and encouraged to rededicate themselves to Torah study, which was the very purpose of this marvelous Shabbos.