Under the direction of Gedolei Yisroel, Agudah Yisroel of American announced that they are postponing their 90th National Convention, which had been scheduled to take place 8 Kislev-11 Kislev (November 22-25). The new date for the
Convention, including a special commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Agudas Yisroel, is 15 Teves-17 Teves (December 28-30).
Close to a thousand men and women from all parts of Brooklyn came this past Monday night (November 12) to be a part of a Kinus Chizuk veHisorerus in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The storm devastated many Jewish communities in the Metropolitan New York area and impoverished thousands of families.
The event was organized by Agudath Israel of America and held at the Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin in Flatbush. It was also broadcast live to locations throughout North America, including Albany, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chicago, Green Bay, Lawrence, Minneapolis, Ottawa, Scranton, South Bend and was available by phone through Kol Halashon.
Rabbi Yehiel Kalish, Agudath Israel's National Director of Government Affairs, chaired the event.
HaRav Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe and Rosh Agudas Yisroel, explained that Dovid Hamelech wrote in Sefer Tehillim in the kapittel of Borchi Nafshi, that the world originally was completely covered with water. Hashem then ordained that the waters should recede, thereby creating dry land and allowing mankind to live. The waters of the seas were not happy with this limitation, and the waves constantly pound the shore, trying to reassert themselves. Hashem holds them back. When we see a change in this eternal pattern, we need to perceive it as the act of Hakodesh Boruch Hu and not an aberration of nature.
He also said that in the haftorah of Yom Kippur the posuk from Yeshayohu describes the reshoim as extremely violent, emitting reffesh vetit, refuse and mud. When Hashem decides to punish the wickedness of man, the waters of the sea that are usually held back from encroaching on dry land are allowed to come forth and they bring up reffesh vetit.
The Rebbe also drew attention to the incredible ahavas Yisroel that has been displayed by Yidden since the disaster.
HaRav Zalman Leib Meisels, rav of K'hal Yereim in Seagate, was the second speaker. He mesmerized the audience as he described the terrible devastation experienced by almost all of the families living in the waterside community.
He praised the hundreds of volunteers who came from far and wide to help in the massive cleanup effort.
Rav Meisels also spoke of the large amounts of resources that will be needed to restore and repair the damage inflicted on those living in Seagate. He concluded by stating that the Abishter will surely help all Yidden who generously give help to His kinderlach.
HaRav Yaakov Bender, the Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah in hard-hit Far Rockaway, clarified the dire situation on the ground. He vividly described how the storm waters rushed into basement and walk-in apartments and explained that anyone who lived in such dwellings lost all they had. He poignantly described the pain and embarrassment of people who have never asked others for help who now need to do so.
Another aspect of the damage is the total loss of treasured family heirlooms, including irreplaceable photographs. These were literally washed away. Rav Bender described his own loss: notes he had taken when learning in the shiurim of the Mirrer Roshei Yeshiva, Rav Shmuel Birnbaum, zt"l and Rav Shmuel Brudny, zt"l, more than 40 years ago. They were totally destroyed - priceless divrei Torah reduced to sheimos.
He concluded by saying that "none of us should be able to sleep at night when reflecting that there are thousands of Yidden, many our friends, relatives and colleagues at work who have lost everything."
Concluding the evening of Chizuk were remarks made by the Morah De'asra of the Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin - HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff. He quoted the Rambam in Hilchos Taanis in which he writes that if there is pain and suffering in a community, even those who were not directly affected need to understand that the message is relevant to them as well.
Rabbi Lieff concluded by quoting the motto of the United Jewish Appeal: "Give until it hurts!" We have to say: "Give until it stops hurting!"