Rabbonim Call for Greater Vigilance Against Internet and Other
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
In an open letter, the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Yehuda Leib Shteinman
shlita, laments the spiritual decline in our generation and
points out the necessity for self-reflection.
Yehud Residents Demonstrate Against Scientology-Run School
By A. Cohen
A large group of Yehud residents, led by the rov of the city, HaRav
Shlomo Tuvim, along with members of Lev L'Achim's Anti-Cult Department
demonstrated last week outside the new Scientology school opened in
Yehud, and demanded the municipality shut it down immediately.
Jewish Politicians Booted from French Socialist Party Ahead of
By Arnon Yaffeh, Paris
The ousting of four Jewish representatives to the French Parliament
from the Socialist Party has raised suspicions of a campaign to purge
Jews from the French left. The four Jews were replaced by anti-Israeli
politicians from The Greens, based on an agreement between the two
Battle Over Shul at Kibbutz Merchavia Ends with Partial
By L.S. Wasserman
A beis knesses will be set up at Kibbutz Merchavia following an
all-out war that raged for two years, due to avarice and fear at
kibbutzim and other communities where a thirst for ruchniyus
has surfaced in recent years. The Merchavia Communal Association voted
by a majority to accept the demand by dozens of residents in the
kibbutz expansion area to build a shul.
Speyer, Germany: Synagogue Reopened 73 Years After
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Council of European Rabbis (CER) President HaRav Pinchos Goldschmidt
and German Federal President Christian Wulff inaugurated the new
synagogue in Speyer, Germany 73 years to the day after it was
destroyed in 1938 during Kristallnacht.
The Maharsho, Reb Shmuel Eliezer Eidel's, ztvk"l
In honor of his yahrtzeit 5th Kislev
In the year 5325 (1565), in Posen, Reb Shmuel Eliezer was born. His
father, Reb Yehudah z"l, was a descendant of Reb Yehudah
Hachosid and his mother, Gittel o"h, could trace her lineage
back to the Maharal Hazoken.
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From Our Archives |
Bnei Brak Leaders Shocked by Opposition to Street Name Change
Ten years ago the Bnei Brak city council decided, soon after his passing, to name
part of one of its main streets after Maran HaRav Shach zt"l. The street had been named
after Zionist hero Herzl. It would seem to be an innocuous action by a local council to
honor one of its most prominent citizens. A perfect expression of local sentiment on a
matter that is relevant almost entirely to the local community and no one else.
Instead, the action by the Bnei Brak city council attracted a firestorm of criticism.
In the end the reasonableness of the Bnei Brak action won out, but it is instructive
to see to what ends the media will go for chareidi bashing.
by A. Cohen and Y. Ariel
The Bnei Brak Municipality has conveyed its shock at the current
despicable incitement campaign conducted by anti- religious elements
against changing the name of part of what has been Herzl Street to
commemorate Maran HaRav Elozor Menachem Man Shach, ztvk"l.
Opinion & Comment
We have to Recognize and Acknowledge what America has Done for Us by Maran HaRav Shach, zt"l
The following speech was given on chol hamoed Succos, 5752 (1991) just
half a year after the Persian Gulf War.
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
Message of an Earthquake
Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
an I - Should I?
Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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