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Anti-Chareidi Incitement Did Not Impact Outreach Last month's activities were highly successful and weekend seminars were packed, outreach organization Arachim reports. Despite the headlines and high-profile media attacks against the chareidi public, Arachim management did not detect any decrease in registration for home-hosted lectures or workshops held throughout Eretz Yisroel.
Minister of Housing Ariel Attias, from the Shas Party, changed the criteria for government preference in allocating affordable housing and blocked the chareidi community from its previously advantageous position. Minister Attias announced that point criteria favoring large families will be severely curtailed, and army service will be a new and important factor.
The Union of Bais Yaakov Schools announced to Education Minister Gidon Saar that the seminars would not open enrollment on Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Shevat, for the coming school year due to ministry interference that poses a threat to the essence and very existence of the Bais Yaakov system.
Deputy Speaker of the Knesset MK Rabbi Uri Maklev was selected by the Israel Democracy Institute as one of three members of Knesset cited for excellence. The selection committee, headed by Theodore Or, a retired High Court vice president, approved the selection after reviewing both the quantitative and substantive data gathered by IDI researchers, in addition to other criteria, such as the candidates' contribution to promoting laws, ties with the public and the degree of responsibility they showed in budget matters.
With the backing of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, on Sunday a new daily study cycle of Orchos Hamussar — based on daily study topics derived from Orchos Yosher, which is being published in a new edition with commentaries and explanations — got under way. The booklet is intended for set study sessions of 7-10 minutes, and new booklets will be published on a monthly basis.
Jewish writer Marc Alter was in Moscow when he saw Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visit, accompanied by two rabbis, the autonomous Jewish district of Birobidjan, where they were received by signs in Yiddish. The delegation went to a synagogue while a chuppah ceremony was being held, and then Medvedev was seen laying several pebbles on a local Holocaust memorial. The Russian president's visit shed light on the fact that Jewish autonomy has continued.
Rabbi Refoel Yom Tov Lipman zt"l was born in 5576
(1816) when his father, Reb Yisroel zt"l, was rov in
Razinoi. He learned first with his uncle the Kedushas Yom
Tov of Kapoli and, when the family moved to Minsk, he
learned under Reb Mendele Minsker.
From Our Archives Opinion & Comment
On a fundraising trip to America in 1926 for the Slobodka- Kovno kollel, Reb Dovid was offered — and accepted — the position of rosh yeshiva at Torah Vodaas. His excellence as a pedagogue, his heartfelt exposition of the mussar approach of the Alter of Slobodka, his love for his talmidim and his dedication to them made him a beloved and successful rebbe there. But differences emerged between his approach and the path that was being charted by others for the mesivta.
Following his departure from Torah Vodaas in 1933, Reb Dovid opened his own yeshiva. He worked with undiminished energy and enthusiasm to continue realizing his unique vision for Torah's growth. Of this period, his talmid muvhak HaRav Pam wrote, "The second chapter of his abbreviated career as a marbitz Torah in America began with the founding of his own yeshiva, at first on Bedford Avenue and then in its own building on South 9th Street, Brooklyn. It was at once the happiest and the most tragic period of his life."
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