Last month's activities were highly successful and weekend seminars were packed, outreach organization Arachim reports. Despite the headlines and high-profile media attacks against the chareidi public, Arachim management did not detect any decrease in registration for home-hosted lectures or workshops held throughout Eretz Yisroel.
"At a seminar for secular Jews held one week ago," said Director Rabbi Yosef Valis, "over 110 young people were on hand, and registration for a similar seminar scheduled for this weekend is at the normal level."
Rabbi Eliyahu Yashar of Arachim-Jerusalem said that registration was full for the Chanukah seminar held at the Kinar Hotel in Tiberius. "Although the issue was leading the headlines in the mainstream media, it was hardly felt," he said. "Only at the end some of the participants raised questions, which were met with rational explanations. The seminar was completely packed, and if there had been more room, more people would have come."