Dayonim Decry Chilul Hashem Following Chief Rabbinate Decision on
IDF Conversion
Gedolei Yisroel are voicing trenchant opposition to the
uprooting of the Torah and halacha and the terrible desecration of the
Name of Heaven through the decision to accept thousands of so-called
conversions performed over the years through the IDF's "assembly-line"
process, ignoring the basic halachic requirements and strident
warnings by leading halachic authorities past and present.
UTJ Blocks Vote on Draft Deferment Law
Following demands by MKs Rabbi Moshe Gafni and Rabbi Uri Maklev, the
Foreign Affairs and Security Committee plenum was prevented on Tuesday
from voting on and passing the findings of a team the committee
formed, headed by MK Yochanan Plesner (Kadima), on the issue of the
law for IDF deferments for full-time yeshiva and kollel students.
This year is the 20th anniversary of the first Gulf War. Ten years ago
we published the following article about the miracles of that war. It
is definitely worthwhile reviewing today.
United Torah Judaism Chairman Rabbi Menachem Eliezer Mozes, who also
serves as chairman of the housing crisis lobby, initiated a
comprehensive tour of underground housing sites occupied by young
couples in Jerusalem. The tour included Bayit Vegan and the city's
northern neighborhoods.
Nazi hunter Tuvia Friedman z"l passed away in Haifa last week
at the age of 89. A native of Radom, Poland and a Holocaust survivor,
after the war he collaborated with well-known Nazi hunter Simon
Wiesenthal and helped in the capture of Adolf Eichmann and in bringing
him to trial in Jerusalem.
Thousands are set to start the new study cycle for Chofetz
Chaim and Shmiras Haloshon according to the schedule of two
halachos per day fixed by HaRav Yehuda Lev Segal zt"l of
A wave of antisemitic attacks hit Montreal last weekend. Montreal
Police believe the attacks against five Jewish institutions in the
city are linked. The incidents were the latest in a string of attacks
against Jewish institutions during the past year.
The Never-ending Struggle between She'eris Yisroel and Nidchei
It is the nature of any living and healthy organism to expel any
polluted blood. This is the way the organism heals itself and protects
its internal health and purity. Similarly, the Jewish Nation expels
assimilators and alien influences, and in that way guards its internal
purity, spirit and pristine essence as were set by the Creator.
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants