Tel Aviv Authorities Fail to Enforce Tisha B'Av Law
In a letter to Justice Minister Prof. Daniel Friedman, MK
Rabbi Moshe Gafni said he was deeply upset by the disdain
shown for Tisha B'Av through the failure to enforce the law
against opening entertainment spots on this day.
Vaad Hapikuach Lehashkaot uFinancim has announced a series of
new investment and holdings options that have been checked
and are under the halachic supervision of the Eidoh Chareidis
of Jerusalem. The investments have been found free of any
Torah prohibition, such as ribbis, chilul
Shabbos, chometz during Pesach, etc.
Thousands of woman and girls took part in shemiras
haloshon gatherings held for the 24th consecutive year at
the International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha'Uma)
in Jerusalem, where a record crowd packed the hall, in
addition to the many shiurim held in 44 neighborhoods
around the city in Hebrew, Yiddish, English, French and
Ezrat Achim, the largest chessed organization in Beit
Shemesh, has started operating a bilirubinometer to check
infants for hepatitis before undergoing a bris.
Based on requests by maranan verabonon shlita rabbonim
and educators are warning against the spiritual perils for
chareidi vacationers at hotels and bungalows not under
rabbinical supervision.
A new booklet offers Avos Ubonim and Bnos Beis Yaakov-Batya
participants a challenging and fascinating project that
brings the family together to study material covering both
halacha and Jewish values.
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
The Shabbos after Tisha B'Av, parshas
Voeschanon, is called Shabbos Nachamu because of
the haftorah in Yeshaya 40 "Console, console My
people" that is read on that Shabbos. This haftorah
starts a series of shivah denechemtoh (seven
haftoros of consolation).
The fifteenth of Menachem Av (Tu B'Av) is considered a Yom
Tov because of several reasons: First, it is the day that
bnei Yisroel stopped dying in the Sinai Desert.
Second, bnei Yisroel were then allowed to marry from
one shevet to the other, and those from shevet
Binyomin were allowed to marry within bnei Yisroel.
Third, on this day Hoshei'a ben Aloh removed the barricades
originally put up by Yerovam ben Nevot preventing bnei
Yisroel to be oleh regel. Fourth, bnei
Yisroel then stopped chopping down wood for the
mizbeiach and therefore they had more time to study
Torah. Sixth, on this day those killed in Beitar were