Thousands of Women Turn Out for Shemiras Haloshon
Gatherings in Jerusalem
By Yechiel Sever
Thousands of woman and girls took part in shemiras
haloshon gatherings held for the 24th consecutive year at
the International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha'Uma)
in Jerusalem, where a record crowd packed the hall, in
addition to the many shiurim held in 44 neighborhoods
around the city in Hebrew, Yiddish, English, French and
The Hebrew and English events were held on separate days. At
the English gathering speakers included HaRav Shlomo Brevda,
HaRav Eliezer Dunner, HaRav Yehonoson Halperin, HaRav Dovid
Weinberger and HaRav Dovid Kaplan. HaRav Yisroel Gans, one of
the founders and organizers of the shemiras haloshon
conferences and seminars, delivered the opening speech and
introduced the various speakers.
In his closing remarks HaRav Gans conveyed a message from the
Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman saying that
strengthening ourselves in shemiras haloshon is the
call of the hour considering the many misfortunes that have
been taking place in Klal Yisroel recently. HaRav Gans also
quoted a call to the public by Maran HaRav Eliashiv
shlita to improve tznius standards.
The momentous evening ended with a charged recitation of
Tehillim and words of appreciation for the Weinberger
and Carlebach families for their dedicated efforts to ensure
both the Hebrew and English events could be held for the 24th
year running.