Based on requests by maranan verabonon shlita rabbonim
and educators are warning against the spiritual perils for
chareidi vacationers at hotels and bungalows not under
rabbinical supervision.
Many people who take pains all year to distance themselves
from inappropriate environments are liable to find themselves
exposed to terrible spiritual threats. Even if the hotel
kitchen has been kashered, the rooms are furnished with
television sets and the character of the bungalows and hotels
is totally incongruent with the Jewish way of life.
The rabbonim note that those who chose to avoid the hotel
atmosphere by staying at bungalows (zimmerim) where
the stumbling blocks appear far less severe are sadly
Roshei yeshivos say experience shows many bochurim
from outstanding bnei Torah homes undergo drastic
declines while vacationing at hotels and bungalows. They also
received reports on televisions and an unwholesome atmosphere
from groups of adults taking part in hotel stays organized by
chareidi organizations.
Gedolei Yisroel want it made clear that those who opt
to go to such places place themselves in a real
nisoyon whereas those who "guard their soul" distance
themselves from such places. Those who have already made
reservations should ask a rov whether to cancel their
Those who seek a change of pace can do so by arranging
apartment exchanges with other bnei Torah families,
but under no circumstances should one rely on the bungalow
owners' assurances that their accommodations are suitable for